Solar Powered House Model for School exhibition project

solar powered house - diy

Introduction: Solar powered house is a simple process of converting sunlight into electricity. This process is done using concentrated photovoltaics either directly or indirectly. Solar-powered house are a good example of the application of solar energy. The main components of the solar-powered house is solar panels, a solar thermal system, solar walls to preheat the … Read more

Animal Cell 3D Model for School Science Project

animal cell model

Introduction: Cells in any living body play very crucial role in proper functioning of the body. Animals cells have nucleus which are membrane bound. The animal cells are called as eukaryotic cells where the DNA of the animals is inside the nucleus. Apart from this, the nucleus also has tiny structures that perform necessary cellular … Read more

How to make Plant Cell 3D Model for Science Exhibition

plant cell model

Introduction: The plant cells are called as eukaryotic cells that are present in the green plants. Plant cells are very different from the animal cell structure. The plant cells have many categories which forms the root, leaves, stem. They also have reproductive structures which many other types of cells within them. The crucial process that … Read more

Insect Forest Model Project for school exhibition

insect school model

Introduction: Insects are small animals with legs and most of them have antenna along with wings. They are most diverse and important for the environment and the animal habitat. Insects play a crucial role in the forests as pollinators, decomposers and food sources for other organisms. These are called as forest insects that either help … Read more

Balloon Rocket Science Experiment for Exhibition

balloon rocket science project

Introduction: A rocket is a spacecraft that receives thrust from a rocket engine. The theory behind working of a rocket is action and reaction. This process pushes the rocket by expelling its exhausting the opposite direction. The main components of rocket are propellent, propellent tank and nozzle. Sometimes, a single rocket has more than one … Read more

how to make herons Fountain Model for school science exhibition

heron's water fountain model

Introduction: Herons fountain model is named after the physicist and mathematician Heron of Alexandria. It is a hydraulic machine is a steam engine that emphasizes on the study of pressure of air and steam. There are many variations of this model that are studied today which explains the theory of hydraulics and pneumatics. Herons fountain … Read more

Waterfall Model for School Project

waterfall school model

Introduction: The waterfall is an area where water from the river flows vertically. They represent abrupt interruptions in the flow of the river. Waterfalls are of various sizes big and small. There is some process that goes behind the formation of waterfalls depending on the rock type. Rivers usually clear off the irregularities through the … Read more


water pump using bottle and balloon

Introduction: Air pressure, also known as atmospheric pressure is the weight of the molecules pressing on the surface of the earth. It is measured in barometric units.  Barometers have a chemical called mercury within them. This chemical helps to read the atmospheric pressure in a room, or in an enclosed place. It is also the … Read more

Water Heater using GI wire – School Science Experiment

diy water heater with gi wire

Introduction: Water that comes into our taps from the tank is usually cold because it is groundwater. During cold weather conditions, it becomes difficult to use the normal water running through the tap. That’s when hot water requirement comes into the picture. This need has been satisfied by the invention of water heaters. Water heater … Read more

Hibiscus Flower Parts – Science Exhibition

hibiscus flower parts

Introduction: Hibiscus is a flowering plant that growing under tropical and sub-tropical weather conditions. There are nearly hundreds of species of the plant. The hibiscus tree can grow up to 20-30 feet but the flowers are 4 inch wide. They have a beautiful structure and can grow up to 4inch length. Hibiscus flowers are sometimes … Read more

Windmill Turbine Working Model – Science Model for School exhibition

diy windmill working model

Introduction: Windmill turbine generally called as wind turbine is a machine that is used to convert energy in the wind into electricity. The windmill turbine has blades that rotate for a certain number of revolutions depending on the technology. They rotate at a constant or variable velocity according to the velocity of wind in order … Read more

How to make Swachh Bharat School Project Model for science exhibition

Swachh Bharat – School Project Model

Introduction: Swachh Bharat mission also known as Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign in India that has been started by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The time that has been set for this campaign is 2014 – 2019 as a mission to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of India’s towns, cities and rural areas. … Read more

how to make Street Lights and Traffic Lights School Model Project

Street Lights and Traffic Lights Model for School Project

Introduction: Traffic signals and street lights are very crucial to the safety of the pedestrians and vehicles. For this to be done successfully, it is very important that the traffic signals and lights are functional and efficient all the time. Street lights can be used to ensure safety in the urban areas by making sure … Read more

How to make Lungs Working Model with Balloons – School Science project

lungs working model

Introduction: The respiratory system includes nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Lungs are the pair of organs that look like air filled balloons located on either side of the chest. Lungs are responsible for pumping the oxygen into the blood through the process of respiration. In this process, air is breathed through the mouth, … Read more

How to make Oxygen Cycle Project Model For School Science Exhibition

the oxygen cycle model for school exhibition project

Introduction: Oxygen cycle is defined as the circulation in various forms through nature. Oxygen cycle is always interconnected with carbon cycle. The oxygen cycle has four main reservoirs atmosphere, inner crust of the earth, hydrosphere and lithosphere. The critical factor that runs the oxygen cycle is the process of photosynthesis, which leads to the earth’s … Read more