day and night working model to demonstrate Earth’s rotation

Creating a day and night working model to demonstrate Earth’s rotation using a big ball for Earth, LED lights for the sun, moon, and stars is an engaging project. Here’s how you can make it: Materials Needed: Steps by Step Video Instructions: 1. Prepare the Earth: 2. Create the Sun, Moon, and Stars: 3. Set … Read more

working model of a solar and lunar eclipse for a science exhibition using a DC motor, LED lights, and a big ball for the Earth

Creating a working model of a solar and lunar eclipse for a science exhibition using a DC motor, LED lights, and a big ball for the Earth is an excellent idea. Here’s how you can do it: Materials Needed: Steps by Step Video Instructions : 1. Prepare the Earth: 2. Create the Moon: 3. Set … Read more

model of photosynthesis and cellular respiration for a science exhibition

Creating a model of photosynthesis and cellular respiration for a science exhibition using cardboard and colored paper is a great idea to demonstrate these biological processes. Here’s how you can make it: Materials Needed: Steps by step video instructions: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Create the Sun and Moon: 3. Design the Earth: 4. Represent … Read more

water dispenser working model using a paper cup, DC water pump, and a plastic tray

Creating a water dispenser working model using a paper cup, DC water pump, and a plastic tray is a great way to demonstrate how water can be pumped and dispensed in a controlled manner. Here’s how you can make it: Materials Needed: Steps by Step video Instructions: 1. Prepare the Paper Cup: 2. Mount the … Read more

solar energy working model with a water pump and water fountain

Creating a solar energy working model with a water pump and water fountain is a fantastic way to demonstrate the use of solar power for pumping water. Here’s how to make it: Materials Needed: Steps by Steps Video Instructions: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Position the Water Container: 3. Install the Water Pump: 4. Set … Read more

Making paper balls for a solar system planets project using newspaper

Making paper balls for a solar system planets project using newspaper is a fun and creative way to represent the planets. Here’s how you can do it: Materials Needed: Steps by Steps Video Instructions: 1. Cut Strips of Newspaper: 2. Crumple the Strips: 3. Shape the Balls: 5. Hang the Planets: 6. Display Your Model: … Read more

simple circuit working model using an LED light, switch, and 9V battery

Creating a simple circuit working model using an LED light, switch, and 9V battery is a great way to understand the basics of electricity. Here’s how to make it: Materials Needed: Steps by Steps Video Instructions: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Connect the Battery: 3. Add the Switch: 4. Connect the LED: 5. Secure and … Read more

simple circuit using safety pins, cardboard, LED lights, and a 9V battery

Creating a simple circuit using safety pins, cardboard, LED lights, and a 9V battery is a great science project to understand basic electronics. Here’s how to make it: Materials Needed: Steps by Steps Video Instructions: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Connect the LED Lights: 3. Add the Safety Pins: 4. Connect the Circuit: 5. Test … Read more

working model park that demonstrates solar energy, wind turbine, and hydropower

Creating a working model park that demonstrates solar energy, wind turbine, and hydropower is a fantastic way to learn about renewable energy sources. Here’s a guide to building such a model: Materials Needed: Steps by Steps Video Instructions: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Solar Energy: 3. Wind Turbine: 4. Hydropower: 5. Assembly and Decoration: Optional … Read more

ATM machine project working model using cardboard

Creating an ATM machine project working model using cardboard is a fun and educational project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making one: Materials Needed: Steps by Steps Video Instructions: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Create the Front Panel: 3. Make the Buttons and Display: 4. Construct the Cash Dispenser: 5. Add the Card Insertion Slot: … Read more

hydraulic brake working model using a CD disk, DC motor, and syringes

Creating a hydraulic brake working model using a CD disk, DC motor, and syringes is an excellent way to understand the basic principles of hydraulic systems. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Materials Needed: Steps by Step Video Instructions: How It Works: This model demonstrates the basic principles of hydraulic brakes used in vehicles, where brake fluid … Read more

computer model using cardboard, a CPU box, speaker boxes, a mouse, and a keyboard

Creating a computer model using cardboard, a CPU box, speaker boxes, a mouse, and a keyboard is a fantastic project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making it: Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions: This DIY computer model is a great way to learn about the components of a computer and how they are connected. … Read more

rocket-making project using paper and cardboard

Creating a rocket-making project using paper and cardboard with the latest designs can be both innovative and educational. Here’s a step-by-step guide for an exciting DIY rocket: Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions: This DIY rocket project allows you to explore the world of rocketry while having fun and being innovative with the latest … Read more

rainwater harvesting working model science exhibition

Creating a rainwater harvesting working model using cardboard, plastic trays, plastic pipes, and with representations of the sun and clouds is a great project for a science exhibition. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making it: Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions: This working model effectively demonstrates the concept of rainwater harvesting and its potential … Read more