working model demonstrating photosynthesis and respiration for a science exhibition

Creating a working model demonstrating photosynthesis and respiration for a science exhibition using cardboard and color paper is a great way to explain these concepts visually. Here’s how you can make it: Materials Needed: Steps by Steps video instructions : 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Design the Sun, Moon, and Stars: 4. Add Plants and … Read more

model of photosynthesis and cellular respiration for a science exhibition

Creating a model of photosynthesis and cellular respiration for a science exhibition using cardboard and colored paper is a great idea to demonstrate these biological processes. Here’s how you can make it: Materials Needed: Steps by step video instructions: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Create the Sun and Moon: 3. Design the Earth: 4. Represent … Read more

reflex arc working model science project for exhibition – biology project – diy | howtofunda

Creating a reflex arc working model for a science project exhibition can be both educational and interactive. Here’s how you can make one using cardboard to create a human body with a hand, colored paper for fire, and simulated alarm and light in the brain area: Materials Needed: Step by Step Instructions: By following these … Read more

working model of arms and muscles

Creating a working model of arms and muscles using balloons, pipes, cardboard, nuts and bolts, and thread can be a fascinating and educational project for a science exhibition. Below are the steps to create such a model: Materials Needed: Instructions:

kidney working model using syringes

Creating a kidney working model using syringes to represent both the left and right kidneys, as well as a bladder using a syringe with a tap to control urine flow, can be an engaging educational project. Here’s how you can do it: Materials needed: Instructions: By following these steps, you can create a simple yet … Read more

working model of the human kidney – innovative

Creating a working model of the human kidney can be an engaging and educational project. Here’s a simplified step-by-step guide on how to build a basic model: Materials needed: Instructions: By following these steps, you can create a simple working model of the human kidney that demonstrates the basic concepts of blood filtration, urine production, … Read more

dna working model science project for exhibition – diy – simple and easy steps | DIY pandit

This DNA working model provides a visual representation of the DNA structure and rotation, making it an informative and interactive exhibit for a science project exhibition. Creating a DNA working model for a science project exhibition using cardboard and paper with a slow-running motor for rotation is an engaging and educational project. Here’s a step-by-step … Read more

3D model of the digestive system

Creating a 3D model of the digestive system with rotation using cardboard, aluminum foil, tissue paper, and a slow-running motor is a unique and engaging project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build your rotating digestive system model: Materials Needed: Working Model Making Instructions:

Eye working model science exhibition

how the eye forms an image of an object and sends this information to the brain: Creating a working model of the eye using balls, transparent pipes, serial lights, and representing the optic nerve and brain can be an engaging and educational project. Here’s a simple guide on how you can build a basic model: … Read more

digestive system working model explanation

The digestive system is a finely tuned and coordinated system that involves both mechanical and chemical processes to break down food and extract essential nutrients for the body’s energy and function. Each organ plays a specific role in this intricate process, ensuring that nutrients are absorbed and waste is eliminated efficiently. The digestive system is … Read more

heart working model explanation

The heart working model provides a simplified representation of the cardiac cycle and blood circulation, offering a hands-on approach to understanding the basic principles of the human heart’s functionality. This project encourages discussions about the importance of the heart in maintaining circulation and sustaining life. Creating a working model to simulate the functionality of the … Read more

hemodialysis artificial kidney Working Model

Hemodialysis and Artificial Kidney Introduction: Hemodialysis: Hemodialysis is a medical procedure used to remove waste products and excess fluids from the blood when the kidneys are unable to perform these functions adequately. This therapy is crucial for individuals with kidney failure or impaired kidney function. Hemodialysis helps maintain a balance of electrolytes and fluid in … Read more

kidney working model explanation

human kidney working model science project for exhibition

Let’s imagine our kidneys as hardworking little workers in our body, doing an essential job that keeps us healthy and lively. Think of your kidneys as the water filters. Every day, they work tirelessly to clean and filter the blood in our bodies, just like the well filters out impurities from water. This cleaning process … Read more