Hibiscus Flower Parts – Science Exhibition

hibiscus flower parts

Introduction: Hibiscus is a flowering plant that growing under tropical and sub-tropical weather conditions. There are nearly hundreds of species of the plant. The hibiscus tree can grow up to 20-30 feet but the flowers are 4 inch wide. They have a beautiful structure and can grow up to 4inch length. Hibiscus flowers are sometimes … Read more

Windmill Turbine Working Model – Science Model for School exhibition

diy windmill working model

Introduction: Windmill turbine generally called as wind turbine is a machine that is used to convert energy in the wind into electricity. The windmill turbine has blades that rotate for a certain number of revolutions depending on the technology. They rotate at a constant or variable velocity according to the velocity of wind in order … Read more

How to make Swachh Bharat School Project Model for science exhibition

Swachh Bharat – School Project Model

Introduction: Swachh Bharat mission also known as Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign in India that has been started by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The time that has been set for this campaign is 2014 – 2019 as a mission to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of India’s towns, cities and rural areas. … Read more

how to make Street Lights and Traffic Lights School Model Project

Street Lights and Traffic Lights Model for School Project

Introduction: Traffic signals and street lights are very crucial to the safety of the pedestrians and vehicles. For this to be done successfully, it is very important that the traffic signals and lights are functional and efficient all the time. Street lights can be used to ensure safety in the urban areas by making sure … Read more

How to make Lungs Working Model with Balloons – School Science project

lungs working model

Introduction: The respiratory system includes nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Lungs are the pair of organs that look like air filled balloons located on either side of the chest. Lungs are responsible for pumping the oxygen into the blood through the process of respiration. In this process, air is breathed through the mouth, … Read more

how to make deforestation model for school science exhibition

deforestation model - school project exhibition

Introduction: The cutting down or removal of trees in a forest area or trees, in general, is referred to as deforestation. This results in major environmental problems, one of them been the greenhouse effect. It is very important to create awareness to stop this and encourage reforestation. Forests cover 30 percent of the earth’s area … Read more

how to make Homemade working model of respiratory system for school project

respiratory system working model - diy

Introduction The human respiratory system is the most important part that helps in the proper functioning of the body. It supplies oxygen to the blood so that the blood is supplied to all parts of the body. Cells in the body use the oxygen as fuel and release carbon dioxide as waste gas. This waste … Read more

how to make photosynthesis Model Project for school science exhibition

photosynthesis project model for school exhibition

Introduction Imagine humans and animals stay alive through food and water. Similarly, plants also need food and water to stay alive. This process where the plants survive is called as photosynthesis. Plants breathe carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen back into the air. They also use the sunlight and water to carry out … Read more

how to make Greenhouse effect School Project Model For Science Exhibition

green house effect science school model

Introduction The greenhouse effect is the process in which the gases in the atmosphere of the earth trap the heat from the sunlight and release more heat and radiation on to the earth. The important greenhouse gases are: Thus increasing the temperatures on the earth. In simple terms, it is the process that warms up … Read more

how to make global warming school science exhibition models

global warming model for school science exhibition model

Introduction In simple terms, global warming definition is nothing but an increase in the temperature of the earth’s climate system is called global warming. Earth is made up of the oceans, land, air, plants, and animals. The energy coming from the Sun affects each other. There are dependencies between these places. If something changes in … Read more

how to make Water Sources Model – Science Project for School Students

water sources model

Introduction Water is the most vital natural resource for life to exist on earth. The main sources of water are ground water, surface water and rain water. Ground water is the water found underground below the soil or in the soil itself. Examples of ground water include wells and bore wells. Ground water contributes to … Read more

how to make noise(sound) pollution project model for school exhibition or science fair

noise pollution model

Introduction Noise is measured in Db (decibels) for the normal human ears any sound levels less than 70 Db are less damaging to the living organisms. If any sound goes beyond the 70dB then it needs to treat as noise pollutions due to impacts the living beings as well adverse effect in humans and animals. … Read more

how to make rain water Harvesting working modeL | step by step | science model project

Introduction In this post, we all talk about how to make the rainwater harvesting working model for your school exhibition or science fair/exhibition very easily at home completely free. First let us understand what is rainwater harvesting, Rainwater harvesting is the process in collecting the rain water mostly in the house/office/any building roof in the … Read more

how to make acid rain model for exhibition | science project students

acid rain model

Introduction Acid Rain Model is used to showcase how the normal rain forms into acidic rain due to the vehicle and factory pollutions that emit sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, that get added with water molecules in atmosphere to produce acid rains. In this topic, we are going to show you how to make the … Read more

how to make DIY Human Digestive system model for SCIENCE EXHIBITION or Fair

In this topic video, we are showing how you can make yourself the human digestive system model for your biology project. Digestive system is the most important of human body. If it does not function properly, it leads to many other problems. Digestive system is responsible for the digestion of food in the body that … Read more