how to make weighing balance working model for science project

weighing balance working model for science project

In this post we write about making the weighing balance working mode for science project | DIY using cardboard | DIY pandit Creating a weighing balance working model using cardboard, woolen thread, and a nut and bolt can be a great hands-on project to understand the principles of balance and weight measurement. Let’s build a … Read more

how to make human urinatory system model (kidney) | DIY at home easily

human urinatory system model (kidney) | DIY at home easily

In this post we write about making of human urinatory system model (kidney) | DIY at home easily | craftpiller Creating a human urinary system model using cardboard and color paper can be a great educational project to understand the structure and function of the urinary system. Let’s build a simple model that represents the … Read more

forest model with den making using cardboard

In the blog post we give the step by step video instructions on how to make the forest model with den using cardboard Creating a forest model with a den using cardboard, waste paper, glue, animals, and color paper can be a fun and creative project. Let’s build a 3D model representing a forest scene … Read more

how to make solar drip irrigation working model making – diy with detailed explanation

solar drip irrigation working model making - diy

In this post we write about making of the solar drip irrigation working model for science exhibition project – diy at home Creating a solar drip irrigation working model making using plastic tray, bottle, solar panel , 9 v battery , cardboard and color paper , sand & pipes Here’s a step-by-step guide to help … Read more

how to make ear model making for science fair project

ear model making for science fair project

In this blog article making on ear model making for science fair project – diy at home Creating an ear model using cardboard and colored paper is an engaging and educational activity. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making a simple ear model: Materials you’ll need: Step-by-step process: This is a simplified ear model suitable for … Read more

how to make Bacteria Cell Science 3D project

Bacteria Cell Science 3D project

In this article post we have writing the video instruction on how to make the Bacteria Cell Science Project using cardboard and color paper Creating a bacteria cell model using cardboard and color paper is a great way to understand the basic structure and components of a bacterial cell. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making … Read more

how to make respiratory system lung model for science exhibition project

respiratory system lung model for science exhibition project

In this blog post we have written enough details on how to make the respiratory system lung model for science exhibition project using cardboard waste materials at home easily Creating a respiratory system model using cardboard and color paper is a great way to understand and visualize how the respiratory system works. This interactive model … Read more

how to make plant life cycle working model(seed germination) with explanation

plant life cycle working model(seed germination)

The plant life cycle working model provides a visual representation of the different stages of a plant’s life, offering a hands-on approach to understanding plant growth and reproduction. his project encourages discussions about the importance of plants in ecosystems and the role each stage plays in sustaining plant life. plant life cycle working model making … Read more

how to make photosynthesis model science project using paper plates

photosynthesis model science project using paper plates

In this article we have given the steps on how to make photosynthesis model science project using paper plate and color paper which you can do easily at home Creating a photosynthesis model using a paper plate and color paper is an excellent way to visually represent the process of photosynthesis in a simple and … Read more

how to make photosynthesis working model for science fair project

photosynthesis working model for science fair project

In this article post we have given step by by video instruction on how to make the photosynthesis working model for science fair project using materials available at home easy Creating a photosynthesis working model using a light bulb, a real plant, and cardboard is a great way to demonstrate how plants use light energy … Read more

how to make the smart city and traffic signal model

how to make the smart city and traffic signal model

In this video post we show you how to make the smart city and traffic signal model with park (and with clean city concept ) Creating a smart city and traffic signal model using cardboard, paper, and straw pipes is an exciting project that allows you to explore urban planning concepts and how smart technologies … Read more

how to make syphon self starting science project


In this blog article we have given information on how to make syphon self starting using waste materials available at home for inspire award science project Creating a self-starting siphon science project using a straw, pipe, and plastic tray is an interesting experiment to demonstrate the principles of siphoning and fluid dynamics. Here’s a step-by-step … Read more

How to make water level indicator alarm working model with explanation


In this post I have provided the detailed instruction on how to make water level indicator alarm working model for inspire science project with explanation This simple water overflow alarm effectively demonstrates how basic electrical components and the conductive properties of water can be used to create a practical device for monitoring and alerting about … Read more

how to make rain detector alarm working model with explanation


The Rain Detector Alarm with Blades and Battery is a simple yet effective device designed to alert individuals when it starts to rain. It utilizes a set of blades, a battery, and an alarm to provide a real-time indication of rain. This innovative device can be used in various settings, such as gardens, open spaces, … Read more

how to make hydraulic braking system working model – diy


In this article provided the information on how to make the inspire science project working model on hydraulic braking system – diy howtofunda Creating a hydraulic braking system using a DC motor, CD, and syringes is an excellent way to demonstrate how hydraulic systems work in real-life applications like braking systems in vehicles. In this … Read more