how to make hydroelectricity working model using a plastic bottle, DC motor, bottle caps, and LED lights with detailed explanation


This hydroelectricity working model effectively demonstrates the basic principles of hydroelectric power generation in a simple and hands-on manner. How It Works: Creating a hydroelectricity working model using a plastic bottle, DC motor, bottle caps, and LED lights is a great way to understand how hydroelectric power is generated. Here’s a simple model: Materials Needed: … Read more

how to make waste water management working model with paper cups and cardboard


Creating a waste water management working model with paper cups and cardboard can be a great way to understand the process of waste water treatment. Here’s a simple model with five steps: Materials Needed: Steps by Step Video Instructions water purification working model – waste water management model : 1. Primary Filtration: 2. Secondary Filtration: … Read more

how to make solar-powered house working model


Creating a solar-powered house working model with a small solar panel and LED lights is a great way to understand how solar energy can be harnessed to power electrical devices. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Materials Needed: Steps by Step Video Instructions on Solar powered house working model :

how to connect a DC motor with a switch and a 9V battery


To connect a DC motor with a switch and a 9V battery, you’ll need the following components: Here’s how you can connect them: Steps by Step Video Instructions : This simple setup allows you to control a DC motor with a switch and a 9V battery, making it easy to create simple projects or demonstrations. … Read more

How to connect an LED light and a DC motor fan with switches in parallel connection with explanation


To connect an LED light and a DC motor fan with switches in parallel connection using wires and a 9V battery, you’ll need the following components: Here’s a step-by-step guide to connect them: Connecting the LED Light and DC Motor Fan in Parallel: By connecting the LED light and DC motor fan in parallel with … Read more

how to make wind vane model for a science exhibition project


Creating a wind vane model for a science exhibition project using simple materials like cardboard, a pencil, a pushpin, a straw, and a paper cup can be both fun and educational. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Materials Needed: Step by Steps Video Instructions on Wind vane : Wind Vane – How It Works: This simple wind … Read more

how to make computer model using cardboard, a CPU box, speaker boxes, a mouse, and a keyboard


Creating a computer model using cardboard, a CPU box, speaker boxes, a mouse, and a keyboard is a fantastic project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making it: Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions: This DIY computer model is a great way to learn about the components of a computer and how they are connected. … Read more

how to make computer working model on input and output devices using LED lights


Creating a computer working model for an exhibition focusing on input and output devices using LED lights, cardboard, and color paper can be both educational and fun. Here’s how you can do it: Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions on computer working model: This DIY computer working model effectively demonstrates the functions of input … Read more

how to make solar and lunar eclipse working model for science exhibition with detailed explanation


Creating a solar and lunar eclipse working model using a big ball for the Earth, a thermocol ball for the Moon rotating around the Earth using a slow-running motor, and a big LED bulb for the Sun can be an engaging and educational project. Here’s how you can do it: Materials Needed: Step by Step … Read more

how to make working model of a waste water treatment system with five levels of purification


Creating a working model of a waste water treatment system with five levels of purification using paper cups can be an engaging and educational project. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build it: Materials needed: Instructions: By following these steps, you can create a simple yet effective working model of a waste water treatment … Read more

how to make layers of atmosphere model 3d – science project for exhibition – diy – simple | howtofunda


The Earth’s atmosphere is a complex and dynamic system composed of layers that play crucial roles in supporting life, regulating climate, and influencing weather patterns. These layers, each with distinct characteristics, collectively create the protective envelope that surrounds our planet. Let’s explore the introduction to the layers of the atmosphere: layers of atmosphere model 3d … Read more

how to make water purifier filter working model


A sand and gravel filter, also known as a multimedia filter, is an effective method of water purification that uses different layers of materials to remove impurities from water. Here’s how it works: 1. Coarse Gravel Layer: At the bottom of the filter, there is a layer of coarse gravel. This layer serves as the … Read more

aeroponics farming working model with real plants – agriculture types science project for exhibition | DIY pandit


Introduction: In this project, we will create a working model of an aeroponics farming system using plastic trays, a DC water pump, and plants. Aeroponics is a method of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil. This model will demonstrate how plants can be grown using nutrient-rich water mist. … Read more

indoor and outdoor air pollution working model for science project exhibition – diy – howtofunda


Air pollution can be caused by a variety of sources, both indoor and outdoor. Here are some of the common sources of indoor and outdoor air pollution: Indoor air pollution sources: Outdoor air pollution sources: Reducing exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution can help protect your health and the environment. This can be achieved … Read more