Day and night working project model for school science exhibition| EARTH ROTATION| DIY


INTRODUCTION In this topic, we are going to show you how to make a 3D day and night working model for your science project or exhibitions. Earth Day and night model explanation Earth rotation around its own axis is called as earth’s rotation. The earth turns counter clockwise. Geographic North Pole or simply know as … Read more

how to make Animal cell model project for the school science exhibition or fair | DIY


INTRODUCTION In this topic, we are going to show you how to build an animal cell model project for your school science project or exhibitions. Animal cells are called eukaryotic cells which mean they have a nucleus and specialized structures know as organelles which carry out different functions. They do not contain cell walls or … Read more



Introduction: A neuron is a cell that carries electrical impulses. It is the basic cell of the nervous system. In this post, I will try to show you how to make the neuron cell model along with the labeling of each part of the neuron network. Every neuron cell model is made up of a … Read more


solar eclipse -lunar eclipse model

Introduction: A solar eclipse is caused when the earth passes through the shadow cast by the moon and partially or fully blocks the rays of the sun. This can only occur when the sun, the moon and the earth are nearly aligned on the same line. The lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly … Read more


diy dc motor using magnet and copper wire

Introduction: A DC motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. DC motors vary in their types they can be electromechanical or electronic. These motors can be powered from direct lighting power distribution systems. Lightweight DC motors are used as portable power tools, large DC motors are used for propulsion of … Read more


rain water alarm project diy for school science exhibition

Introduction: This video demonstrates the working of a rain alarm system that you can use it in your school project by doing it yourself. The experiment can be easily adapted and used in homes and industries too. A rain alarm is a smart water detector, it detects rain and automatically triggers an alarm or buzzers. … Read more

Agriculture Model Organic Farming

agriculture model - diy

Introduction: Organic farming is a style of farming where crops and livestock is produced with no use of pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics and growth hormones. These days, many are choosing organic farming over conventional methods of farming. There are many types of organic farming like, crop rotation, green manures, compost, biological pest control and mechanical cultivation. … Read more

How to make Charcoal Sand Water Purifier School science exhibition model

charcoal water filter school exhibition model

Introduction: In this topic, we show a charcoal sand water purifier experiment using materials that are easily available. The water we use comes from lakes, rivers, and groundwater. It is always very important to clean this water before it can be used for drinking and other domestic purposes. The process of filtration includes four steps, … Read more

how to make Carbon Cycle Model – School science exhibition project

the corbon cycle model - school science exhibition

Introduction: Carbon is the most abundant element in the universe and ranked in 4th. A carbon atom consists of 6 protons, 4 valence electrons. It is present in the environment in many forms, like, in the rocks, it is present as limestone or graphite. Carbon is also present in the plants and oceans and at … Read more

Desert Model School Project

desert school model - diy - school exhibition project

Introduction: A desert is a barren land where there is no or very less precipitation and thus making it difficult for life existence. Deserts are formed by due to large variations in the temperatures that puts strain on the rocks. We rarely see rains in the desert landscape, but if there is a rainfall it … Read more

Drip Irrigation System Working Model for Science Exhibition

drip irrigation system model for school science exhibition

Introduction: In this topic, we show a working model of drip irrigation system for science exhibition using materials that are easily available. Drip irrigation is one of the best solutions that have been developed to save water. This is a micro irrigation system where the water is allowed to drip slowly to the roots of … Read more

how to make Heart Model For Science Exhibition

heart model for science exhibition

Introduction: In this topic, we show a model of heart for school science exhibition. We use very simple materials that are easily available. The human heart is the organ in the body that pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. It provides the body with necessary nutrients for its proper functioning. The … Read more

how to make kidney Working Model for School Science Exhibition Project

kidney working model for school science exhibition

Introduction: In this topic, we show a working model of the kidney using simple materials for school science exhibition. Kidneys are a very important organ in humans. It has a bean-shaped organ and located just below the rib cage, on each side of the spine. Each kidney is the size of a fist. Kidneys remove … Read more

Butterfly Life Cycle Model for School Exhibition

butterfly life cycle model for school science exhibition

Introduction: Butterflies are day-flying insects that also belong to the class of moths from which they evolve. A butterfly starting from the stage of larvae grows into adult through different stages. There are mainly four stages. Each stage is different and has a different goal. The life cycle process that the butterfly goes through is … Read more