how to make global warming school science exhibition models

global warming model for school science exhibition model

Introduction In simple terms, global warming definition is nothing but an increase in the temperature of the earth’s climate system is called global warming. Earth is made up of the oceans, land, air, plants, and animals. The energy coming from the Sun affects each other. There are dependencies between these places. If something changes in … Read more

how to make Water Sources Model – Science Project for School Students

water sources model

Introduction Water is the most vital natural resource for life to exist on earth. The main sources of water are ground water, surface water and rain water. Ground water is the water found underground below the soil or in the soil itself. Examples of ground water include wells and bore wells. Ground water contributes to … Read more

how to make village hut model for competition | exhibition | school project using waste materials

village hut model

Introduction In this topic, we will be discussing how the hut looks like in villages that would help the urban kids to understand or imagine themselves. Village hut is normally made out of grass, cattles, cows would be sorrunded by the hut. also the trees like coconut trees. In this video, we help you on … Read more

how to make Water Cycle School Project Science| model | experiments for students | best out of waste

water cycle model

Introduction In this post, I am making the concept of water cycle very easy as it required to be understood for school kids Major part of the earth is covered with water in the form of oceans. The water doesn’t stay existent just like that but goes through a cycle of movement in, on and … Read more