how to make trigonometric ratios working model – maths tlm – diy – simple and easy steps

Creating a trigonometric ratios working model using cardboard and colored paper can be an engaging project for teaching and learning.

Here’s a simple DIY project with easy steps to illustrate the basic trigonometric ratios:

Materials Needed:

  1. Cardboard
  2. Ruler
  3. Pencil
  4. Colored paper
  5. Scissors
  6. Glue or tape
  7. Protractor
  8. String or yarn
  9. Small weight (e.g., paperclip)

Steps to Create the Trigonometric Ratios Working Model:

Trigonometric Ratios Working Model

Step 1: Prepare the Base:

  • Cut a large piece of cardboard to serve as the base for your model.

Step 2: Draw and Cut a Right Triangle:

  • Use a ruler and pencil to draw a right-angled triangle on colored paper. Cut it out carefully.

Step 3: Attach the Triangle to the Base:

  • Glue or tape the right-angled triangle onto the cardboard base, positioning it so that one side is parallel to the base.

Step 4: Label the Angles and Sides:

  • Label the angles of the triangle as A, B, and C. Label the sides opposite these angles as a, b, and c.

Step 5: Draw Altitude and Hypotenuse Extension:

  • Extend the hypotenuse (side c) using colored paper. Draw an altitude from the right angle to the extended hypotenuse.

Step 6: Create Labels:

  • Cut out labels for the sides and angles (a, b, c, A, B, C) using colored paper.

Step 7: Attach Labels:

  • Attach the labels to their corresponding sides and angles on the model using glue or tape.

Step 8: Create a String and Weight:

  • Cut a piece of string or yarn and attach a small weight to one end (e.g., a paperclip). This will represent the plumb line.

Step 9: Attach String to the Altitude:

  • Attach the other end of the string to the altitude you drew from the right angle. Ensure the plumb line hangs freely.

Step 10: Display and Demonstrate:

  • Set up your trigonometric ratios working model at the exhibition table.
  • Demonstrate how the plumb line corresponds to the altitude, illustrating the trigonometric ratios.


  • During your exhibition, explain each trigonometric ratio (sine, cosine, tangent) in relation to the sides of the right triangle.
  • Demonstrate how changing the angles affects the length of the sides and, consequently, the plumb line.

This trigonometric ratios working model provides a hands-on and visual representation of basic trigonometric concepts using cardboard and colored paper.

It’s a useful Teaching-Learning Material (TLM) for understanding the relationships between angles and sides in a right-angled triangle.

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