how to make rational numbers working model – maths tlm – simple and easy – diy

In this post I am showing you how to make the rational numbers working model using syringes – maths tlm – simple and easy – diy using cardboard and color paper so that you can learn rational number concepts in easier way

#rationalnumbers #workingmodel #mathstlm #maths #diy #mathsworkingmodel

Creating a working model to illustrate rational number concepts using cardboard, syringes, and tubing can be a highly interactive and visual project.

This model will help demonstrate how rational numbers (fractions) can be understood through a liquid measurement analogy. Here’s how you can make one:

Materials Needed

  • Cardboard (for the base and structure)
  • Syringes (to measure and move liquids)
  • Flexible plastic tubing (to connect syringes and simulate the number line)
  • Colored water (for visual representation of different fractions)
  • Glue or tape
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Markers or pens
  • Small containers (to hold colored water)
  • Labels or stickers (to mark measurements)
  • Small clips or clamps (optional, to control the flow of water)

Step By Step To Make the rational numbers working model – maths tlm

1. Prepare the Base and Structure

  1. Base Board:
    • Cut a large rectangular piece of cardboard to serve as the base. This will hold the entire setup.
    • Decorate or paint the base if desired.
  2. Support Structure:
    • Create vertical supports from cardboard to hold the syringes and tubing in place.
    • Ensure the supports are sturdy and tall enough to allow the syringes to be positioned vertically.

2. Set Up the Syringes and Tubing

  1. Syringe Placement:
    • Attach syringes to the vertical supports using glue or tape.
    • Arrange the syringes in a way that they can be filled and emptied into the tubing.
  2. Connecting Tubing:
    • Cut pieces of flexible plastic tubing to connect the syringes.
    • Attach one end of the tubing to the nozzle of a syringe and the other end to another syringe or container.

3. Marking Measurements

  1. Measurement Labels:
    • Use markers to draw measurement lines on the syringes (e.g., 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1). These will represent fractions.
    • Label each measurement clearly.
  2. Number Line Representation:
    • Create a number line on a strip of cardboard to show fractions.
    • Mark points on the number line corresponding to 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, etc.

4. Demonstrating Rational Numbers

  1. Filling Syringes with Colored Water:
    • Prepare colored water in small containers. Different colors can represent different fractions.
    • Use the syringes to draw up colored water to different fractional measurements.
  2. Using Tubing to Transfer Water:
    • Show how combining different fractions works by transferring water between syringes.
    • For example, fill one syringe to 1/4 and another to 1/2, then combine the water in a third syringe to show the sum of the fractions.

5. Interactive Learning

  1. Problem Solving:
    • Create problems for students to solve using the model. For example, “Combine 1/4 and 1/2. What fraction do you get?”
    • Allow students to measure and transfer water to find the answers.
  2. Visualizing Equivalents:
    • Show equivalent fractions by transferring water to syringes marked with different denominators.
    • For example, show that 1/2 is equivalent to 2/4 by filling one syringe to 1/2 and another to 2/4 with the same amount of water.

By following these steps, you’ll create an engaging and educational working model to help students understand rational numbers using cardboard, syringes, and tubing.

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