Washing machine working model explanation

A washing machine working model demonstrates the basic principles behind the operation of a washing machine, which uses mechanical motion and water to clean clothes. This model simulates the washing, rinsing, and spinning processes that take place inside a real washing machine. Key Components of the Model: How It Works(Washing machine working model): Applications and … Read more

Plant life cycle working model explanation

seed germination working model science project for exhibition

A plant life cycle working model demonstrates the stages a plant goes through from seed to mature plant. It shows the process of how plants grow, reproduce, and complete their life cycle. This model provides a visual representation of the stages of development, from germination to flowering and seed production. Key Components of the Model: … Read more

Traffic light working model explanation

A traffic light working model demonstrates how traffic signals control the flow of vehicles and pedestrians at an intersection to ensure safe and orderly traffic movement. The model simulates the functioning of a real traffic light system using basic electrical components to show how red, yellow, and green signals alternate to manage traffic. Key Components … Read more

Space shuttle launching working model explanation


A space shuttle launching working model demonstrates how a space shuttle is launched into space, simulating the process of lift-off, propulsion, and ascent. This model helps visualize the mechanics behind a real space shuttle launch, showing how rockets provide the thrust needed to break free from Earth’s gravity and enter space. Key Components of the … Read more

Solar energy working model explanation


A solar energy working model demonstrates how sunlight can be converted into usable electricity using solar panels, showcasing the process of photovoltaic energy generation. Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source, and this model helps explain how it works and can be harnessed for practical use. Key Components of the Model: How It … Read more

solar wind hydropower working model explanation


A solar wind hydropower working model demonstrates the integration of three renewable energy sources—solar, wind, and hydropower—into a single system to generate electricity. The model simulates how these natural forces can be harnessed together to produce sustainable energy. It is a great way to showcase how combining multiple energy sources can create a more efficient … Read more

Hydraulic press working model explanation

A hydraulic press working model demonstrates how a hydraulic system uses fluid pressure to exert a large amount of force, capable of compressing, shaping, or moving heavy objects. This model simulates the operation of a hydraulic press, which is widely used in industries for tasks like metal forming, car repairs, and plastic molding. Key Components … Read more

Hydraulic JCB working model explanation


A hydraulic JCB working model demonstrates the operation of a hydraulic system used in construction equipment like JCBs (backhoe loaders). The model mimics how hydraulic force is used to lift heavy loads, dig, and move materials, showcasing the practical application of fluid pressure to generate mechanical movement. Key Components of the Model: How It Works(Hydraulic … Read more

heart working model explanation using plastic bottle, straw pipe and balloon

how to make heart working model - biology - human - simple - using plastic bottle and balloon

A heart working model using a plastic bottle, straw pipes, and a balloon demonstrates how the human heart pumps blood through the circulatory system. This model simulates the heart’s pumping action and the flow of blood through the chambers, using basic materials to visualize how the heart functions. Key Components of the Model: How It … Read more

heart working model explanation using 2 plastic bottles


A heart working model using two plastic bottles demonstrates the process of blood circulation in the human heart, including the movement of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood between the heart, lungs, and the body. The two bottles represent the two sides of the heart: one for the right side (pumping deoxygenated blood to the lungs) and … Read more

Heart working model explanation using syringes


A heart working model using syringes demonstrates how the heart pumps blood through the circulatory system. The model mimics the contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers, showing the process of blood flow, similar to how the human heart works in pumping oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Key Components of the Model: How It Works(heart working … Read more

Greenhouse working model explanation

A greenhouse working model demonstrates how a controlled environment can optimize plant growth by regulating temperature, humidity, and light. This model replicates the basic functioning of a greenhouse, a structure that harnesses solar energy to create ideal conditions for plants, allowing them to grow year-round. Key Components of the Model: How It Works(Greenhouse working model): … Read more

Water filter working model explanation

A water filter working model demonstrates the process of purifying water by removing impurities and contaminants, making it safe for drinking. The model showcases a simple filtration system using various natural materials to simulate a water purification process. Key Components of the Model: How It Works(Water filter working model): Applications and Learning: This hands-on model … Read more

hydroponic farming working model explanation

hydroponic farming working model for science exhibition

A hydroponic farming working model demonstrates an innovative method of growing plants without soil. Instead of using traditional soil, plants are grown in nutrient-rich water, which provides all the necessary nutrients directly to the plant roots. This model highlights the benefits of soil-free farming, such as water conservation, faster growth, and space efficiency. Key Components … Read more

Escalator working model explanation

escalator working model - elevator diy - science project for exhibition using cardboard

An escalator working model demonstrates the mechanism of a moving staircase that transports people between floors. This miniature model showcases the basic principles of motion, mechanics, and power transmission used in real-life escalators. Key Components of the Model: How It Works (Escalator working model): Applications and Learning: This interactive and functional model is a great … Read more