how to make atomic structure 3d science project model – ethene – chemistry project | howtofunda

The atomic structure refers to the components and arrangement of particles in an atom. It includes:

  1. Nucleus: The central part of an atom containing positively charged protons and neutral neutrons
  2. Electrons: Negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus in shells or energy levels.
  3. Energy levels: The shells in which electrons are arranged in an atom, each at a specific distance from the nucleus and with a certain energy.

The number of protons in the nucleus determines an element’s atomic number and therefore its identity. The electrons surrounding the nucleus determine the chemical and physical properties of the element.

atomic structure 3d science project model – ethene – chemistry project | howtofunda | still model #atomicstructures #chemistry #sciencefair #sciencemodel #scienceexhibition #ethene #atom #scienceproject #stillmodel

atomic structure 3d science project model - ethene - chemistry project
Step By Step Video instructions on making atomic structure

Step By Step Video instructions on making atomic structure

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