25 working models of math’s for class 10

Creating working models for math concepts can help students understand and visualize abstract ideas. Here are 25 math working models suitable for 10th-grade students:

Algebra and Arithmetic

  1. Algebraic Expression Simplifier
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, sliders
    • Description: A model with sliders that combine like terms and simplify expressions.
  2. Quadratic Equation Solver
    • Materials: Cardboard, graph paper, strings
    • Description: A model that visualizes the solutions of a quadratic equation using a parabola graph.
  3. Polynomial Function Graph
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, strings
    • Description: A visual representation of polynomial functions and their roots.
  4. Arithmetic Sequence and Series
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, beads
    • Description: A model demonstrating the terms of arithmetic sequences and their sums.
  5. Geometric Sequence and Series
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, beads
    • Description: A visual representation of geometric sequences and their sums.


  1. Pythagorean Theorem Proof
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, right-angled triangles
    • Description: A model showing different proofs of the Pythagorean theorem.
  2. Circle Theorems
    • Materials: Cardboard, compass, string
    • Description: A model illustrating various circle theorems, including angles and tangents.
  3. 3D Geometric Shapes
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, glue
    • Description: Models of various 3D shapes like cubes, cones, and cylinders with labeled properties.
  4. Surface Area and Volume of Solids
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, small containers
    • Description: Models demonstrating the calculation of surface area and volume for different solids.
  5. Similar Triangles
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, strings
    • Description: A model showing properties of similar triangles and their proportional sides.


  1. Unit Circle
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, compass
    • Description: A model illustrating the unit circle, radians, and trigonometric functions.
  2. Sine and Cosine Wave Generator
    • Materials: Cardboard, strings, pins
    • Description: A model showing how sine and cosine waves are generated.
  3. Trigonometric Ratios
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, right-angled triangles
    • Description: A visual representation of sine, cosine, and tangent ratios.
  4. Trigonometric Identities
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, sliders
    • Description: A model illustrating fundamental trigonometric identities.
  5. Angle of Elevation and Depression
    • Materials: Cardboard, protractor, strings
    • Description: A model demonstrating real-life applications of angle of elevation and depression.

Calculus (Basics)

  1. Derivative Visualization
    • Materials: Cardboard, graph paper, sliders
    • Description: A model illustrating the concept of a derivative as the slope of a tangent.
  2. Integral Representation
    • Materials: Cardboard, graph paper, colored paper
    • Description: A model showing the area under a curve to represent definite integrals.
  3. Limits and Continuity
    • Materials: Cardboard, graph paper, sliders
    • Description: A model demonstrating the concept of limits and continuity of functions.

Statistics and Probability

  1. Probability Tree
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, markers
    • Description: A visual representation of different outcomes and their probabilities.
  2. Mean, Median, Mode
    • Materials: Cardboard, beads, sliders
    • Description: A model to calculate and display the mean, median, and mode of a dataset.
  3. Histogram and Bar Graphs
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, markers
    • Description: Models showing how data is represented in histograms and bar graphs.
  4. Standard Deviation
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, beads
    • Description: A model demonstrating the calculation of standard deviation in a dataset.


  1. Fibonacci Sequence
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, beads
    • Description: A model illustrating the Fibonacci sequence and its golden ratio.
  2. Mathematical Set Operations
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, Venn diagrams
    • Description: A model showing various set operations like union, intersection, and difference.
  3. Transformation of Shapes
    • Materials: Cardboard, colored paper, sliders
    • Description: A model demonstrating geometric transformations like translation, rotation, and reflection.

These models provide a hands-on learning experience, helping students better understand and engage with various mathematical concepts.


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