
Gandhi Jayanthi is the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. It is celebrated every year on October 2nd, it is one of the three national holidays in India.

The other holidays are Independence Day and Republic Day celebrated on August 15th and January 26th respectively. It is marked with community celebrations all over India, along with Prayer services.


Homage is paid not only to the Mahatma but also to the other freedom fighters. His way of life is remembered and Ahimsa and the way of non-violence and its importance are enlightened.

Creating a model of Gandhi’s charkha (spinning wheel) using chopsticks, Popsicle sticks, thread, and a pulley is a great way to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi and his principles of self-reliance and simplicity. Here’s how you can build this model:

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Chopsticks (2)
  2. Popsicle sticks (4)
  3. Thread or thin twine
  4. Small pulley
  5. Craft knife or scissors
  6. Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  7. Craft supplies for decoration (optional)


  1. Prepare the Base:
    • Use a sturdy surface as the base for your model.
  2. Create the Charkha Frame:
    • Place two chopsticks parallel to each other to represent the frame of the charkha.
    • Use Popsicle sticks to connect the chopsticks at the top and bottom, creating a rectangle.
  3. Attach the Charkha Spindle:
    • Glue a Popsicle stick vertically across the bottom of the frame, extending beyond the frame on both sides.
    • This represents the spindle of the charkha.
  4. Attach the Flyer:
    • Glue a smaller Popsicle stick diagonally across the frame, attaching it to the spindle on one end and extending beyond the frame on the other end.
    • This represents the flyer, which twists the thread while spinning.
  5. Thread the Charkha:
    • Tie the thread to one end of the spindle and wrap it around the spindle.
    • Pass the thread through the hole in the flyer and wrap it around the flyer shaft.
  6. Attach the Pulley:
    • Mount the pulley on the base near the flyer.
    • Thread the twine through the pulley.
  7. Decoration (Optional):
    • You can paint or decorate the charkha frame to give it an authentic look.

Model Interaction:

  • Turn the flyer to spin the spindle and twist the thread.
  • The thread will be wound onto the spindle, simulating the process of spinning yarn.

This model pays tribute to Gandhi’s philosophy of self-sufficiency and the importance of handcrafts. It’s an educational way to learn about Gandhi’s teachings and his impact on India’s struggle for independence.

You use the resource/tools page section to find the tips where you can buy these materials used at a reasonable cost.

In this video we teaches you how to create a Gandhi Chakra; the chakra is associated with Gandhiji because he believed in sewing his own Khadi cloth and adorning nothing but Indian clothes.

Questions and Answers:

  1. Why is Gandhi Jayanthi celebrated?

It is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi. He was one of the freedom fighters who led the freedom struggle forward.  Gandhi Jayanthi is celebrated by paying homage to the Mahatma and along with him remembering all the other freedom fighters as well in prayer services and community celebrations.

  • What did Mahatma Gandhi believe in?

Mahatma Gandhi believed in the movement of Ahimsa, which means freedom through non-violence. He made Indians understand the value of the products present in their mother land. He is one of the reasons for the evolution o the phrase, ‘Be Indian, Buy Indian and Die Indian’.

  • What are the movements and rallies led by Gandhiji?

The Dandhi salt march, the Quit India movement and other successful movements were led by the Mahatma.

  • Who influenced Mahatma Gandhi?

Gandhiji was influenced by his Vaishnava mother, he grew up in an atmosphere that was primarily Hindu and Jain. His personal reflections were also influenced by literature of the Hindu Bhakthi saints and many others. Among many others Tolstoy, Shrimad Rajchandra and many different religious texts influenced Mahatma Gandhi.

  •   Why is Mahatma Gandhi called the Father of our nation?

Gandhiji is called the father of our nation today, because during the freedom struggle many freedom fighters addressed him as ‘Bapu’ etc.  Subash Chandra Bose was one of the people who titled Mahatma Gandhi as the father of our nation; further Sarojini Naidu went on to call him the same in later years.


Mahatma Gandhi along with his impact on the freedom struggle, also wrote a book called ‘My experiments with Truth’. It was an autobiography and it contains his truths and views on life in its entirety.

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