In this post, I am writing about simple working models for science exhibition.
These working models you can easily do at home for class 5, class 6 and class 7 students.
I also provided a detailed step by step videos on how to make these woking models DIY
Also what materials you need to use to make these simple working models to get the best award in your school exhibition.
Electrolysis of water Experiments (Working Model)

In this electrolysis working model you will learn electrolysis concepts
Earthquake detector alarm science working model – DIY

In the Earthquake detector working model, you will learn to implement the basic earthquake and its detection concept
You will learn how to implement this working model using the waste items available at home easily
Electromagnet project working model for school science exhibition – DIY

In this electromagnet working model, you will learn step by step method to created electromagnet using the simple 7v battery with the simple concepts
Pencil electricity experiment (working model) for school science exhibition | DIY

In pencil electricity experiment you will learn the simple electricity concept
How pencils can be used to the light bulb and teach about the conductivity of the pencil lead
How to build an open and closed electric circuit model for your science project or exhibitions

In open circuit and closed circuit working model, you will learn the concept of electricity how it works, as well different types of circuit model can be implemented in the simple way.
Traffic signal working model for school science exhibition project

In Traffic light working model, you will learn about traffic system works and its rules.
Water dispenser science project working model for school science exhibition DIY easily

In this water dispenser working model, you will learn the very basic science concept of air pressure.
How you can the air pressure concept and implement the dispenser in a simple manner
Newton Disc Working Model for School Science Exhibition Project

In the Newton disk working model, you will learn about the concepts of colours and how white colour is getting created with the help of 7 colours
Windmill Turbine Working Model – Science Model for School exhibition

In the windmill working model, you will learn the very basic science concept on how windmill can generate the power and light the house
I am hoping these simple working model science projects are really helping you prepare for your science exhibition very easily