In this post we write on how to make the Inspire Award Winning Science Project Floating House/Building/Factory Working Model Helps in Flooding Area
Creating a floating house working model using plastic bottles, chopsticks, plastic trays, and artificial buildings made from cardboard is an interesting project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building this model:
Materials Needed:
For the Floating House:
- Plastic bottles (empty and clean)
- Chopsticks or wooden skewers
- Plastic trays or containers
- Hot glue gun or strong adhesive
- Scissors
- Waterproof material (optional, like waterproof fabric or plastic sheets)
For the Artificial Building:
- Cardboard
- Paints or markers
- Craft knife or scissors
- Glue or tape
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Step by Step Guide on Making of Floating house DIY
Prepare the Base:
- Take a plastic tray or container to serve as the base for the floating house. This will represent the body of water.
- Secure the plastic tray onto a sturdy surface to prevent movement.
2. Build the Floating Platform:
- Arrange the plastic bottles into a rectangular shape, securing them together with hot glue or strong adhesive. Ensure the bottles are tightly sealed.
- Place the chopsticks or wooden skewers horizontally across the top of the bottle structure to create a platform. Glue them securely to the bottles.
3. Construct the House:
- Create the artificial building using cardboard. Cut out walls, a roof, and any other architectural features you desire.
- Use glue or tape to assemble the cardboard pieces into the shape of a house or building.
- Decorate the building with paints or markers to add detail and make it visually appealing.
4. Attach the House to the Floating Platform:
- Use hot glue or strong adhesive to attach the bottom of the cardboard building to the floating platform. Ensure it is securely fastened.
5. Create the Rain Mechanism:
- To make the house rise when it rains, you can use a simple mechanism involving strings or rubber bands.
- Attach strings or rubber bands to the top of the cardboard building and anchor them to the bottom of the plastic tray.
- When it rains, the strings or rubber bands will slacken, allowing the house to rise.
6. Test the Model:
- Place the floating house model in a container filled with water to test its buoyancy and stability.
- Simulate rain by sprinkling water over the model and observe how the house rises.
7. Optional Waterproofing:
- If desired, you can cover the cardboard building with a waterproof material to protect it from getting soggy in the rain.
Explanation of the Science:
- The plastic bottles provide buoyancy, allowing the floating platform to stay afloat on the water.
- When it rains, the strings or rubber bands attached to the cardboard building slacken due to the added weight of the water, causing the house to rise.
This floating house working model demonstrates the principles of buoyancy and simple mechanical systems, providing a fun and educational project for learning about water displacement and the effects of rain on floating structures.