how to make the working model of parts of a circle using led lights

Creating a working model of the parts of a circle using LED lights, serial lights, and switches will be a fun and educational project.

This model will help in visually demonstrating different parts of a circle, such as the radius, diameter, circumference, and sectors, using lights controlled by individual switches.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to build this model:

Materials Needed:

  1. Cardboard (for the base and circle parts)
  2. Color Paper (for decoration and labeling)
  3. LED Lights (for highlighting parts of the circle)
  4. Serial Lights (to outline the circle)
  5. 9V Battery (with a battery clip)
  6. Wires (assorted colors)
  7. Switches (one for each part of the circle)
  8. Resistors (if needed, to limit current for LEDs)
  9. Glue or Tape (to fix components)

Video Steps to Build the Parts of Circle Working Model :

  1. Prepare the Base:
    • Use a large piece of cardboard as the base.
    • Draw and cut out a large circle from another piece of cardboard to represent the circle.
  2. Label the Parts of the Circle:
    • Divide the circle into various parts, such as radius, diameter, circumference, and sectors.
    • Use color paper to label each part clearly.
  3. Outline the Circle:
    • Attach serial lights along the circumference of the cardboard circle. Secure them with glue or tape.
  4. Highlighting Circle Parts:
    • Radius: Attach an LED light at the center of the circle and another at the edge, connecting them with a wire.
    • Diameter: Attach two LED lights at opposite ends of the circle, connecting them with a wire passing through the center.
    • Circumference: The serial lights already outline this part.
    • Sectors: Use additional LED lights to highlight different sectors of the circle.
  5. Wiring the Lights:
    • Connect the positive terminal of the 9V battery to a common positive rail.
    • Connect the negative terminal to a common negative rail.
    • Wire each set of LED lights and serial lights in parallel, ensuring to add resistors in series with LEDs if necessary to prevent them from burning out.
    • Attach switches to control each part of the circle (radius, diameter, circumference, and sectors) separately.
  6. Attach the Circle to the Base:
    • Securely attach the labeled cardboard circle to the base.
  7. Wiring the Switches:
    • Connect each switch in series with the respective part of the circle it controls.
    • Ensure each switch can independently control the LED or serial lights for its part.


  • Radius: Turn on the switch to light up the LEDs representing the radius.
  • Diameter: Turn on the switch to light up the LEDs representing the diameter.
  • Circumference: Turn on the switch to light up the serial lights outlining the circumference.
  • Sectors: Turn on the switch to light up the LEDs representing different sectors.

This model will effectively demonstrate the various parts of a circle, making it an engaging educational tool.

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