How to make 3d Hologram Box Screen | 3d Hologram Transparent Projector with explanation

In this post we learn about making of the 3d Hologram Box Screen | 3d Hologram Transparent Projector

Creating a 3D hologram box working model using cardboard, a transparent plastic sheet, and a mobile phone is an exciting way to simulate holographic projections.

How to make 3d Hologram Box Screen | 3d Hologram Transparent Projector
How to make 3d Hologram Box Screen | 3d Hologram Transparent Projector

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build this model:

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Cardboard sheets (for the box structure)
  2. Transparent plastic sheet or clear plastic (for the holographic projection surface)
  3. Mobile phone
  4. Craft knife or scissors
  5. Ruler
  6. Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  7. Craft supplies for decoration (markers, stickers, etc.)

Step by Step Guide to Make Hologram 3D projector working model

  1. Prepare the Box Structure:
    • Cut the cardboard sheets into four equal-sized pieces for the box sides.
    • Create a rectangular box by gluing the sides together at right angles.
  2. Cut the Top Opening:
    • Cut a square opening on the top of the box.
    • Ensure the opening size is suitable for your mobile phone.
  3. Attach the Transparent Surface:
    • Cut the transparent plastic sheet to match the size of the square opening.
    • Glue the plastic sheet onto the top of the box, creating a window.
  4. Positioning the Mobile Phone:
    • Play a hologram-specific video or animation on your mobile phone.
    • Place the mobile phone upside down on the bottom of the box, near the transparent surface.
  5. Projection Reflection:
    • The inverted reflection of the video or animation on the mobile phone screen will be projected onto the transparent plastic sheet, creating a holographic effect.
  6. Close the Box:
    • Attach the remaining cardboard piece to close the box, leaving the transparent surface exposed.
  7. Decoration:
    • Decorate the outside of the box with paint, markers, stickers, or any creative elements you like.
  8. Dimmed Lighting:
    • For better holographic projection, use the model in a dimly lit environment.
  9. Play the Holographic Video:
    • Play the hologram-specific video or animation on your mobile phone.
  10. Observe the Hologram:
    • Place the box with the mobile phone playing the hologram inside the box.
    • Look through the transparent surface to observe the 3D holographic projection.

Remember that the effectiveness of the 3D holographic projection depends on the quality of the video, the angle of the projection, and the transparency of the plastic sheet. This model provides a simplified way to understand the principles of holography and how it can create fascinating visual effects.

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