how to make the generation of computer project working model(1 – 5) – computer exhibition – diy | howtofunda

generation of computer project working model(1 – 5) – computer exhibition – diy | howtofunda #generation #computermodel #computerproject #workingmodel #workingproject #computer #diy #howtofunda

Creating a working model representing the five generations of computers using cardboard, color paper, and pictures can be an exciting project for a computer exhibition.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Materials Needed:

  • Cardboard
  • Color paper (various colors)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers
  • Printed pictures or illustrations of computers from each generation

Video Steps by Steps :

generation of computer project working model (1 – 5) – computer exhibition – diy | howtofunda
  1. Prepare the Base:
    • Cut out five large rectangular pieces of cardboard. Each piece will represent a generation of computers.
    • Cover each cardboard piece with color paper of a different color to distinguish between generations.
  2. First Generation – Vacuum Tubes:
    • Print or draw a picture of a computer using vacuum tubes.
    • Cut out the picture and glue it onto the first cardboard piece.
    • Write “First Generation” on the top of the cardboard using a marker.
    • Add a brief description of first-generation computers below the picture.
  3. Second Generation – Transistors:
    • Print or draw a picture of a computer using transistors.
    • Cut out the picture and glue it onto the second cardboard piece.
    • Write “Second Generation” on the top of the cardboard.
    • Add a brief description of second-generation computers.
  4. Third Generation – Integrated Circuits:
    • Print or draw a picture of a computer using integrated circuits (ICs).
    • Cut out the picture and glue it onto the third cardboard piece.
    • Write “Third Generation” on the top of the cardboard.
    • Add a brief description of third-generation computers.
  5. Fourth Generation – Microprocessors:
    • Print or draw a picture of a computer using microprocessors.
    • Cut out the picture and glue it onto the fourth cardboard piece.
    • Write “Fourth Generation” on the top of the cardboard.
    • Add a brief description of fourth-generation computers.
  6. Fifth Generation – AI and Beyond:
    • Print or draw a picture representing modern computers with AI capabilities.
    • Cut out the picture and glue it onto the fifth cardboard piece.
    • Write “Fifth Generation” on the top of the cardboard.
    • Add a brief description of fifth-generation computers, highlighting AI and advancements.
  7. Decorate and Arrange:
    • Use markers to add any additional details or decorations to the cardboard pieces.
    • Arrange the five generations of computers in sequential order on a table or display board.
    • Make sure each piece is clearly labeled with the generation number and a brief description.

This project not only demonstrates the evolution of computers but also offers an engaging and informative exhibit for viewers to explore.

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