In this blog post we write about making of earth rotation working model | inspire award science project
Creating an Earth rotation working model using LED light bulbs, a thermocol ball, a DC motor, a 9V battery, a shoebox, and color paper can be a fun and educational way to demonstrate the concept of day and night as a result of Earth’s rotation.

Let’s build a simple model to represent this phenomenon visually.
Materials needed:
- Shoebox (to create the base and cover)
- Thermocol ball (to represent the Earth)
- DC motor with fan blades (to simulate Earth’s rotation)
- LED light bulb (to represent the Sun)
- 9V battery or battery holder with appropriate connections
- Color paper or markers (for decoration)
- Insulating tape
- Glue or double-sided tape
- Cardboard (for creating the Sun holder)
Step-by-step instructions:
- Base and Cover:
- Take the shoebox and remove the lid.
- Cut a large opening on one side of the shoebox to act as a viewing window.
- Earth Representation:
- Stick the thermocol ball in the center of the shoebox using glue or double-sided tape. This ball will represent the Earth.
- DC Motor and Fan Blades:
- Attach the DC motor to the inside of the shoebox, near the thermocol ball, using tape or glue.
- Fix fan blades on the DC motor’s shaft. When the motor rotates, the fan blades should rotate too. This will represent the Earth’s rotation.
- Sun Representation:
- Create a holder for the LED light bulb using cardboard. Attach the LED light bulb to this holder.
- Stick the holder with the LED light bulb to the inside of the shoebox cover. Position it so that the LED light bulb is directly above the thermocol ball (Earth).
- Electrical Connections:
- Connect the positive (anode) and negative (cathode) terminals of the DC motor and LED light bulb to the appropriate connections on the 9V battery or battery holder. Secure the connections with insulating tape.
- Day and Night Effect:
- Decorate the inside of the shoebox with color paper to represent the sky and the ground.
- When the DC motor rotates, the LED light bulb (Sun) will appear to move in a circular path above the thermocol ball (Earth).
- As the motor rotates the Earth, the area facing the Sun (illuminated side) will experience day, and the area facing away from the Sun (non-illuminated side) will experience night.
Now, you have a simple Earth rotation working model that demonstrates how the rotation of the Earth causes day and night. When the DC motor rotates the Earth, the LED light bulb (Sun) will appear to move across the thermocol ball, showing different parts of it illuminated, representing day and night.
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