how to make solar system working model for science exhibition project

solar system working model for science exhibition project

We provided the detailed steps on how to make the solar system working model for science exhibition project at home using cardboard and waste materials Creating a solar system working model with a big circle base, paper planets, a light bulb as the Sun, and a rotatable setup using a slow-running motor is a fantastic … Read more

how to make math’s shapes TLM working model

Maths Shapes TLM working model

In this post we have made it clear on how to make the Math’s Shapes TLM working model using cardboard and color paper for students and teachers Creating a mathematics shapes TLM (Teaching-Learning Material) working model using cardboard and color paper is an excellent way to teach and learn about different shapes in a hands-on … Read more

how to make photosynthesis working model for science fair project

photosynthesis working model for science fair project

In this article post we have given step by by video instruction on how to make the photosynthesis working model for science fair project using materials available at home easy Creating a photosynthesis working model using a light bulb, a real plant, and cardboard is a great way to demonstrate how plants use light energy … Read more

how to make kidney working model with stand for science fair exhibition

kidney working model with stand for science fair exhibition

In this post article we have given instruction on how to make the kidney working model with stand for science fair exhibition using cardboard and waste materials Creating a kidney working model using a plastic bottle and pipes on a cardboard base is an excellent way to demonstrate the basic functions of a kidney in … Read more

chemistry molecular model – aspirin molecular structure – diy

In this post we have given article on how to make the chemistry molecular model – aspirin molecular structure – diy | howtofunda #chemistrymodel #molecularmodel #aspirinmolecules #howtofunda #diy Video Tutorials on how to make the chemistry molecular model – aspirin molecular structure – diy

how to make maths TLM working model (parts of circles) – diy


In this post we have given the instruction on how to make the maths TLM working model (parts of circles) – diy using cardboard at home Creating a working model to demonstrate the parts of a circle using a 9V battery and LED lights can be both educational and visually appealing. This model will help … Read more

how to make trigonometry working model project – diy | maths TLM project


In this post we have given the steps on how to make the trigonometry working model project – diy | maths TLM project Creating a trigonometry working model using square cardboard, a triangle, and LED lights is an engaging way to visualize trigonometric concepts such as cosine (cos), sine (sin), and theta (θ). This model … Read more

How to make Trigonometric Ratios – Math’s Working Model – TLM project with explanation


In this post we have provided the detailed instruction on how to make the Trigonometric Ratios – Math’s Working Model – TLM project using cardboard and color paper Creating a trigonometric ratios working model is an excellent way to visually demonstrate the concepts of trigonometry and the relationships between angles and sides in a right-angled … Read more

how to make syphon self starting science project


In this blog article we have given information on how to make syphon self starting using waste materials available at home for inspire award science project Creating a self-starting siphon science project using a straw, pipe, and plastic tray is an interesting experiment to demonstrate the principles of siphoning and fluid dynamics. Here’s a step-by-step … Read more

how to make earthquake alarm working model making – diy


In this article we have given steps on how to make earthquake alarm working model for inspire award science project with available waste materials at home with new design Creating an alarm working model using a nut, safety pin, wire, battery, and buzzer is a simple project to build a basic circuit that triggers an … Read more

How to make Pythagoras theorem working model on maths subject


In this post we have given the maths project on Pythagoras theorem working model | DIY | Maths TLM project using cardboard and color for exhibitions Creating a Pythagoras theorem working model using cardboard and colored paper is an excellent way to visually demonstrate the concept of the theorem. The Pythagorean theorem states that in … Read more

how to make solar system working model on social science geography project


In this post We have given detailed steps on how to make solar system working model science project for social science geography subject using cardboard and color paper Creating a solar system working model using rectangle cardboard and paper planets is a great way to understand the layout and relative sizes of the planets in … Read more

how to make water and air pollution model science project making – diy


In this article post we have provided the detailed video steps on how to make water and air pollution model for science project using cardboard and color paper – diy Creating a water and air pollution model using cardboard and colored paper is a great way to visually demonstrate the effects of pollution on the … Read more

How to make water level indicator alarm working model with explanation


In this post I have provided the detailed instruction on how to make water level indicator alarm working model for inspire science project with explanation This simple water overflow alarm effectively demonstrates how basic electrical components and the conductive properties of water can be used to create a practical device for monitoring and alerting about … Read more

how to make air pollution model science project for science exhibition

how to make air pollution model science project for science exhibition

In this post I have provided the information on how to make air pollution model science project for science exhibition using cardboard and color paper #howtomake #airpollutionmodel #scienceproject #scienceexhibition #howtofunda Air pollution refers to the presence of harmful substances, such as gases, particulates, and biological molecules, in the Earth’s atmosphere. These pollutants can have a … Read more