how to make solar eclipse and lunar eclipse working model science project for exhibition – diy with detailed explanation


Creating a working model to demonstrate solar and lunar eclipses using three balls (representing the Earth, Sun, and Moon), DC motors, a 9V battery, and cardboard is a great way to visualize these astronomical phenomena. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build this model: Materials Needed: Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Prepare the Balls Step … Read more

how to make maths working model on polynomials types – tlm – simple and easy steps | craftpiller


Creating a rotating model to demonstrate different types of polynomials using an octagonal (8-faced) polygon is an excellent way to visually and interactively teach mathematical concepts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build this working model: Materials Needed: Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Create the Octagonal Base Step 2: Prepare the Polynomial Graphs Step 3: … Read more

how to make basic functions types graphing working model – maths tlm – diy – craftpiller


Creating a rotating model that visually represents different types of basic mathematical functions can be a great hands-on teaching and learning material (TLM). Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build a graphing model inspired by a merry-go-round concept: Materials Needed: Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Create the Base Structure Step 2: Prepare the Graphs Step … Read more

how to make solar distillation (water purification) working model – science project – award winning | howtofunda


This model will demonstrate the principles of solar distillation. The Solar Sun light heats the water in the tank, causing it to evaporate. The water vapor then condenses on the transparent sheet and flows down into the collection tray, simulating the natural water cycle driven by solar energy. Creating a solar distillation model using cardboard, … Read more

earthquake alarm working model project explanation in english

earthquake detector alarm working model -science project - award winning - diy - DIY pandit

This simple earthquake alarm demonstrates how basic principles of physics and electricity can be applied to create a practical device for detecting seismic activity. Earthquake Alarm working model explanation How Earthquake Alarm Works?

how to make projector working model school science project for exhibition


A simple mobile projector using a cardboard box, convex lens, and mobile phone works by utilizing the lens to focus light from the phone’s screen, projecting an enlarged image onto a surface. By adjusting the distance between the phone and the lens and ensuring a dark environment, this model effectively demonstrates basic principles of optics … Read more

how to make light refraction science working model experiment – using lens


This experiment demonstrates the principle of refraction using a convex lens. A convex lens converges light rays passing through it, forming a real, inverted image on the opposite side. By adjusting the distances between the candle, lens, and screen, you can observe changes in the image, illustrating how lenses are used in various optical devices … Read more

how to make science working model of a merry-go-round


The purpose of creating a merry-go-round working model is to demonstrate principles of rotational motion, mechanical engineering, and simple electrical circuits. This project helps students understand how a basic motor can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce rotational movement. Creating a working model of a merry-go-round using cardboard, a DC motor, a switch, … Read more

how to make human digestive system working model – science project for exhibition biology project | craftpiller


This project demonstrates the human digestive system by using simple materials to mimic each stage of the process. It highlights how food is broken down mechanically and chemically, how nutrients are absorbed, and how waste is formed and expelled. By understanding each component’s function and the overall system’s operation, students can gain a clearer understanding … Read more

how to make microscope working model for school science exhibition – inspire award winning | howtofunda


Introduction The purpose of creating a microscope model is to demonstrate the principles of magnification and optical science, allowing us to observe tiny objects that are not visible to the naked eye. This project will help students understand how microscopes work and the importance of microscopes in scientific discoveries and everyday applications How To Make … Read more

how to make microscope working model for science exhibition – national level science project | howtofunda


The purpose of creating a working model of a microscope is to demonstrate the principles of magnification and optical imaging. Microscopes enable scientists, researchers, and students to observe and study microscopic objects, such as cells, microorganisms, and particles, which are not visible to the naked eye. This model helps individuals understand how microscopes function and … Read more

how to make day and night working model to demonstrate Earth’s rotation


To provide learners with an opportunity to explore the mechanisms of day and night, including the Earth’s rotation on its axis and its orbit around the Sun. The model serves as a visual aid for understanding how these motions contribute to the alternation of light and darkness on Earth’s surface. Creating a day and night … Read more

how to make working model of a solar and lunar eclipse for a science exhibition using a DC motor, LED lights, and a big ball for the Earth with detailed explanation


To provide learners with an interactive platform to explore the mechanisms and characteristics of solar and lunar eclipses. The model serves as a visual aid for understanding the relative positions and movements of the Earth, Moon, and Sun during these celestial events. Creating a working model of a solar and lunar eclipse for a science … Read more

how to make model of photosynthesis and cellular respiration for a science exhibition


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are two fundamental biological processes that are interconnected and essential for life on Earth. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy into chemical energy, producing glucose and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water. On the other hand, cellular respiration is the process by … Read more

how to make water dispenser working model using a paper cup, DC water pump, and a plastic tray


Creating a water dispenser working model using a paper cup, DC water pump, and a plastic tray is a great way to demonstrate how water can be pumped and dispensed in a controlled manner. Here’s how you can make it: Materials Needed: Steps by Step video Instructions on water dispenser : 1. Prepare the Paper … Read more