how to explain drip irrigation model at science exhibition or science fair


When explaining a drip irrigation model at a science exhibition or fair, it’s important to make your presentation engaging, clear, and interactive. Here’s a structured approach to help you: 1. Introduction 2. Overview of Drip Irrigation 3. Components and Functioning Water Source Pump Filters Mainline and Sub-mainline Pipes Emitters/Drippers Control Valves 4. Benefits of Drip … Read more

how to connect 2 dc motors with single battery – science project – diy – diypandit | DIY pandit

2 dc motor connection with single battery - science project - diy - diypandit

Connecting two DC motors to a single battery is a straightforward task. Here’s how to do it, with both motors running simultaneously from the same power source: Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions: 1. Prepare the Components: 2. Wiring in Parallel: 3. Connect the Positive Terminals: 4. Connect the Negative Terminals: 5. Secure the … Read more

how to make working model of a water wheel science project


Creating a working model of a water wheel using a plastic bottle, plastic tray, spoons, and chopsticks is a great project to demonstrate the conversion of kinetic energy from flowing water into mechanical energy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build it: Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions on water wheel working model: … Read more

how to make solar eclipse and lunar eclipse working model science project for exhibition – diy with detailed explanation


Creating a working model to demonstrate solar and lunar eclipses using three balls (representing the Earth, Sun, and Moon), DC motors, a 9V battery, and cardboard is a great way to visualize these astronomical phenomena. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build this model: Materials Needed: Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Prepare the Balls Step … Read more

how to make basic functions types graphing working model – maths tlm – diy – craftpiller


Creating a rotating model that visually represents different types of basic mathematical functions can be a great hands-on teaching and learning material (TLM). Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build a graphing model inspired by a merry-go-round concept: Materials Needed: Step-by-Step Instructions: Step 1: Create the Base Structure Step 2: Prepare the Graphs Step … Read more

how to make solar distillation (water purification) working model – science project – award winning | howtofunda


This model will demonstrate the principles of solar distillation. The Solar Sun light heats the water in the tank, causing it to evaporate. The water vapor then condenses on the transparent sheet and flows down into the collection tray, simulating the natural water cycle driven by solar energy. Creating a solar distillation model using cardboard, … Read more

how to make working model of a carnival ride


Creating a working model of a carnival ride using cardboard, a DC motor, and thread is an excellent hands-on project that demonstrates the principles of physics and engineering. Below, I outline the steps to create a simple model of a Ferris wheel using these materials. Materials Needed: Steps to Create the Carnival Ride Model:

earthquake alarm working model project explanation in english

earthquake detector alarm working model -science project - award winning - diy - DIY pandit

This simple earthquake alarm demonstrates how basic principles of physics and electricity can be applied to create a practical device for detecting seismic activity. Earthquake Alarm working model explanation How Earthquake Alarm Works?

Smoke Absorber Science Project: Working Principle Explanation

How To Make a Smoke Absorber Machine Working Model

To explain the working principle of a smoke absorber built using cardboard, a DC motor, and a filter. This smoke absorber demonstrates basic principles of air filtration, showing how fans and filters can work together to improve air quality. By understanding these principles, we see how simple devices can address environmental issues. Working Principle: Summary: … Read more

how to make earth gravitational force working model science project – diypandit – diy – magnet project


This model demonstrates the concept of gravity, which is the force of attraction between two masses. While the gravitational force between the small thermocol balls is very weak and may not be easily observable, this model helps visualize the concept that all objects with mass attract each other. In the context of Earth, gravity is … Read more

how to make water dispenser working model for science exhibition project


A simple water dispenser using a plastic bottle works by utilizing gravity to dispense water through a tap. By filling the bottle and positioning it on a stand, users can easily control the flow of water using the attached tap, making it a practical and efficient model for demonstrating basic principles of fluid dynamics and … Read more

how to make science working model of a merry-go-round


The purpose of creating a merry-go-round working model is to demonstrate principles of rotational motion, mechanical engineering, and simple electrical circuits. This project helps students understand how a basic motor can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce rotational movement. Creating a working model of a merry-go-round using cardboard, a DC motor, a switch, … Read more

how to make human digestive system working model – science project for exhibition biology project | craftpiller


This project demonstrates the human digestive system by using simple materials to mimic each stage of the process. It highlights how food is broken down mechanically and chemically, how nutrients are absorbed, and how waste is formed and expelled. By understanding each component’s function and the overall system’s operation, students can gain a clearer understanding … Read more

how to make rational numbers rules working model maths tlm


The rational number model is designed to visually represent and aid in the understanding of rational numbers. Rational numbers are those that can be expressed as a fraction of two integers, where the denominator is not zero. Creating a teaching-learning model (TLM) to demonstrate different types of functions and relations in mathematics can be an … Read more

how to make computer network working model – web server – client – server | howtofunda


The purpose of creating a working model of a web server network is to demonstrate the infrastructure and functionality of a typical network used to host and deliver web services. This model provides insights into how data is exchanged between clients and servers over the internet and the role of various components in facilitating this … Read more