how to make working model of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

To make a working model of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) using cardboard pipes, a DC generator motor, and an LED light, follow these steps: Materials Needed: Video Steps: 1. Design the Blades 2. Assemble the Rotor 3. Build the Turbine Shaft 4. Mount the Shaft and Motor 5. Wiring the LED Light 6. … Read more

how to make hydraulic lifting fan working model

A hydraulic lifting fan working model is a simple and creative way to demonstrate how hydraulics can be used to lift a fan, and how a DC motor powers the fan. Here’s a step-by-step guide to build this model using 2 syringes, 1 DC motor, a fan blade, a 9V battery, and a switch. Materials … Read more

how to make traffic light working model

Building a traffic light working model using three different color LED lights, a 9V battery, and three switches is a great way to demonstrate the traffic light working principle. Here’s a step-by-step guide to create this model: Materials Needed: Video Steps to Build the Model 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Mount the LEDs: 3. Wiring … Read more

how to make barrier gate working model

To build a barrier gate working model using a robo motor, car toy big wheel, paper straw (as the gate), and a 9V battery, follow these step-by-step instructions. This model demonstrates how barrier gates work, using basic materials and a DC motor to simulate the lifting and lowering of road gates at crossings or parking … Read more

how to make regenerative energy working model

A regenerative energy working model using two DC motors, a 9V battery, a switch, and toy car wheels can demonstrate how mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy and then reused. This model gives a practical demonstration of regenerative energy by recycling some of the energy from a mechanical system into electrical energy! Here’s how … Read more

how to make hydraulic lift working model

A hydraulic lift working model using a syringe and cardboard is a fun and simple project to demonstrate the principles of hydraulics. The hydraulic lift model works on Pascal’s Law, which states that pressure applied to a fluid is transmitted equally in all directions. When you push the plunger of one syringe, it creates pressure … Read more

how to make day and night working model

Creating a day and night working model for a science project exhibition that also shows the India and USA time zones is an engaging way to demonstrate how the Earth’s rotation affects daylight across different regions. The model can illustrate how different parts of the Earth experience day and night at the same time, depending … Read more

9 awesome science project working models related to pollution, greenhouse effects, global warming, and efforts to save the Earth

9 awesome science project working models on pollution - greenhouse effects - global warming - save earth - howtofunda

Here’s an expanded list of 9 awesome science project working models related to pollution, greenhouse effects, global warming, and efforts to save the Earth. These models will help illustrate various environmental concepts and promote awareness. 9 awesome videos These projects cover a range of environmental topics, from demonstrating the greenhouse effect and global warming to … Read more

How to make Factor Tree Working Model

factor tree working model - maths project - tlm - diy

Factor Tree Working Model Using Cardboard and Color Paper A factor tree is a visual tool used in mathematics to break down a number into its prime factors. Creating a factor tree model using cardboard and color paper helps to understand the process of prime factorization in a clear and interactive way. This project will … Read more

How to make Types of Fractions Working Model in Reverse Tree Structure

types of fractions model making - maths project - diy - diypandit

Types of Fractions Working Model in Reverse Tree Structure Creating a working model to illustrate the different types of fractions using a reverse tree structure is a creative way to understand and visualize how fractions are categorized. This model will be made using cardboard and color paper, and it will clearly show the relationship between … Read more

how to make spinal cord and brain model

spinal cord and brain model making

Creating a spinal cord and brain model using cardboard and colored paper is a great educational project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make a detailed and visually appealing model: Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions: 1. Draw and Cut Out the Head and Spine: 2. Draw and Cut Out the Brain Parts: … Read more

how to make the magnetic swing working model

magnetic swing working model science project - diy - diypandit

Creating a magnetic swing working model is an exciting and educational project. Here’s how you can make one using cardboard, two pieces of magnet, a chopstick, a paper cup, and woolen thread. Materials Needed: Step by Step Video Instructions: Using the Model: This model demonstrates the principles of magnetism and pendulum motion, making it a … Read more

how to make model to demonstrate the states of matter using balls and cardboard

states of matter model - diy - diypandit

Creating a science project model to demonstrate the states of matter using balls and cardboard is a great way to visually explain the concepts of solids, liquids, and gases. Here’s how you can create this model: Materials Required: Step by Step Video Instructions: Step 1: Prepare the Base Step 2: Assemble the Base Step 3: … Read more

how to make solar-powered street light working model

solar powered street light working model for science project exhibition - diy - howtofunda

Creating a solar-powered street light working model for a science exhibition involves integrating a solar panel, LED light, and crafting the structure using paper and cardboard. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you build your model: Materials Needed Step-by-Step Video Instructions 1. Base and Road Structure 2. Street Light Structure 3. Solar Panel Setup … Read more

how to make types of forces model making – physics project – howtofunda

types of forces model with real life examples physics project - howtofunda

Creating a physics project model to demonstrate different types of forces using cardboard and colored paper can be an engaging way to learn about these concepts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to make this model with 8 partitions, each representing a different type of force: Materials Needed: Steps: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. Create the Force … Read more