Are you looking for the best environment related school projects for science exhibition then you are in the right place, wherein this Post, I am going to discuss on various school projects on the environment topics which can be used from class 4 to class 12 school projects?

What is an environmental school project?
Let us understand, Environment is nothing but it is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.” such as air, water, soil, trees, weather and so on.

As part of the school curriculum, you might be studying these above topics. In order to make prototypes or concepts or models on the environment topic post the understanding of the environments related. This school projects which I can propose to you for your school fair or science exhibition is as follows
- Air pollution project models
- Rainwater harvesting models
- Noise Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Global Warming/Greenhouse effect
- Ecosystem models
- Save Earth Models
- Landfill or soil pollutions
- Save Energy Models
- Recycling of the water materials projects
- Energy Saving Models
All the school models on environments should concentrate on the problems or challenges on the environment, how can we help the environment to make it better-living world.
What are examples of environmental problems?
Main environmental problems are air, water, soil, noise thermal heat which is causing the global climate changes causing the global warming
What are the three sources of pollution in the environment?

There various source of pollutions due to rapid urbanization(more homes are built and deforesting the forests, new factories getting added up due to which a lot of issues are happening around water, air, solid waste pollution
Look in the real world how the environment is getting depleted and showcase the concept or model which you can showcase your learnings in the school fair or science exhibitions