water pollution and air pollution model making using cardboard – diy – in simple steps

In this post I have given information on how to make water pollution and air pollution model making using cardboard – diy – in simple steps | howtofunda

#waterpollution #airpollution #modelmaking #usingcardboard #cardboard #simple #howtofunda

Creating water pollution and air pollution models using cardboard is an excellent way to raise awareness about environmental issues and their impact on our planet.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making simple models for both water pollution and air pollution:

Water Pollution Model:

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare the base:
    • Cut a piece of cardboard to use as the base for your water pollution model. Make it large enough to accommodate the water body you want to represent.
  2. Create the water body:
    • Place the blue paint on the cardboard to represent the water body, such as a river, lake, or ocean.
  3. Add pollution:
    • Glue or tape small plastic bottles, wrappers, or other plastic debris onto the surface of the water body. These represent pollutants that are often found in water bodies due to human activities.
  4. Optional: Decorate the surroundings:
    • Use markers or paints to decorate the surroundings of the water body, such as the riverbanks or nearby land.

Air Pollution Model:

Materials you will need:

  • Cardboard
  • Cotton balls or cotton batting (representing clouds or air)
  • Small plastic or paper cutouts (representing air pollutants, e.g., factory smoke, car exhaust)
  • Tape or glue
  • Markers or paints (optional, for decoration)

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare the base:
    • Cut a piece of cardboard to use as the base for your air pollution model.
  2. Create the sky:
    • Use cotton balls or cotton batting to represent clouds or the air in the sky. Arrange them on the cardboard base.
  3. Add pollution sources:
    • Place small plastic or paper cutouts on the model to represent various sources of air pollution, such as factory smokestacks, car exhaust, or other pollutants.
  4. Optional: Decorate the surroundings:
    • Use markers or paints to decorate the surroundings of the air pollution model, such as buildings, trees, or other elements that might be affected by pollution.

You can use these models to demonstrate how human activities can lead to water pollution and air pollution, and how these pollutants can adversely affect the environment, wildlife, and human health.

By creating these models, you can help spread awareness about the importance of protecting our water and air resources and the need to take actions to reduce pollution for a healthier and more sustainable future.

Step by Step Video on Making of Water and Air Pollution Model


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