The water dispenser working model provides a hands-on and visual representation of a basic water dispensing mechanism.
This simple project can help in understanding the principles of a water dispenser and serves as an engaging educational tool.
water dispenser working model making
Creating a water dispenser working model using a water bottle and cardboard involves simulating the mechanism of a simple water dispenser.

Below is an explanation of how to construct and understand this model:
Materials Needed:
- Empty water bottle with a cap
- Cardboard
- Craft knife or scissors
- Drinking straw
- Small plastic cup
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Small piece of sponge or absorbent material
- Marker
- Decorative materials (optional)
Construction Steps:
- Base Construction:
- Cut a rectangular piece of cardboard to serve as the base for the water dispenser.
- Bottle Holder:
- Cut another piece of cardboard to create a holder for the water bottle. This holder should be wide enough to accommodate the base of the bottle and tall enough to stabilize the bottle.
- Attach Bottle Holder:
- Use a hot glue gun to attach the bottle holder vertically onto the base. Ensure it is securely fixed and stable.
- Bottle Placement:
- Place the water bottle into the holder, securing it in an upright position.
- Straw Insertion:
- Cut a section of a drinking straw and insert it through the bottle cap, ensuring it is long enough to reach the bottom of the bottle.
- Cup Holder:
- Cut another small piece of cardboard to create a holder for the plastic cup. Attach this holder near the bottom of the base.
- Attach Cup Holder:
- Use the hot glue gun to attach the cup holder horizontally onto the base.
- Straw Extension:
- Extend the other end of the drinking straw outside the bottle, positioning it above the cup holder.
- Sponge Placement:
- Attach a small piece of sponge or absorbent material to the end of the straw outside the bottle.
- Decorate (Optional):
- Decorate the water dispenser with additional cardboard shapes, colors, or any decorative materials you like.
How It Works:
- Bottle as Reservoir:
- The water bottle serves as a reservoir, containing the water that will be dispensed.
- Straw Function:
- The drinking straw inserted through the bottle cap allows water to be drawn from the bottle.
- Sponge as Dispenser:
- The sponge or absorbent material at the end of the straw outside the bottle functions as a dispenser. When the straw is pressed down, the sponge absorbs water and dispenses it into the cup.
- Cup Collection:
- The plastic cup placed in the cup holder collects the dispensed water.