how to make types of angles working model – maths tlm model making – diy

In this post we write about making the maths tlm model on types of angles working model in simple and easy manner – maths tlm

#typesofangles #workingmodel #mathstlm #modelmaking #diy #maths #craftpiller

Creating a working model to demonstrate the different types of angles using protractors made from cardboard and color paper is an excellent way to visualize mathematical concepts.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to make this model:

Materials Needed:

  • Cardboard (for the base and protractors)
  • Color paper (for covering and labeling)
  • Scissors or craft knife
  • Glue or hot glue gun
  • Markers or pens
  • Push pins
  • Compass (for drawing circles)
  • Ruler

Video step by step guide on types of angles working model – maths tlm model making – diy

1. Prepare the Base and Protractors

  1. Base Preparation:
    • Cut a large rectangular piece of cardboard to serve as the base. Cover it with color paper for a neat finish.
  2. Full Protractor (360 degrees):
    • Draw a full circle on a piece of cardboard using a compass.
    • Cut out the circle and divide it into 360 degrees using a protractor and markers.
    • Cover the protractor with color paper and mark every 10 degrees clearly.
  3. Half Protractors (180 degrees):
    • Draw half circles (semicircles) on cardboard using a compass.
    • Cut out four half circles.
    • Divide each half circle into 180 degrees using a protractor and markers.
    • Cover the protractors with color paper and mark every 10 degrees clearly.

2. Label and Attach Protractors

  1. Label Protractors:
    • Clearly label the full protractor as “360 degrees”.
    • Label each half protractor as “180 degrees”.
  2. Attach Protractors to the Base:
    • Position the full protractor in the center of the base.
    • Place the four half protractors around the full protractor, ensuring they are evenly spaced.
    • Securely glue each protractor to the base.

3. Demonstrate Different Types of Angles

  1. Types of Angles:
    • Acute Angle (less than 90 degrees)
    • Right Angle (exactly 90 degrees)
    • Obtuse Angle (between 90 and 180 degrees)
    • Straight Angle (exactly 180 degrees)
    • Reflex Angle (between 180 and 360 degrees)
  2. Using Push Pins and Color Paper:
    • Cut small strips of color paper to represent different angles.
    • Use push pins to attach one end of each strip to the center of the protractors.

4. Create and Demonstrate Angles

  1. Acute Angle:
    • Attach a strip to one of the half protractors, showing an angle less than 90 degrees.
    • Mark this strip with a label “Acute Angle”.
  2. Right Angle:
    • Attach another strip to one of the half protractors, forming a right angle (90 degrees).
    • Label this strip as “Right Angle”.
  3. Obtuse Angle:
    • Attach a strip to one of the half protractors, showing an angle greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.
    • Label this strip as “Obtuse Angle”.
  4. Straight Angle:
    • Attach a strip to one of the half protractors, showing a straight angle (180 degrees).
    • Label this strip as “Straight Angle”.
  5. Reflex Angle:
    • Attach a strip to the full protractor, showing an angle greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees.
    • Label this strip as “Reflex Angle”.

5. Final Touches

  1. Secure Push Pins:
    • Ensure all push pins are securely attached and strips of color paper are properly aligned.
  2. Add Details and Labels:
    • Use markers to add details and clearly label each type of angle on the base.
    • Optionally, add arrows or lines to emphasize the angle measurements.
  3. Test the Model:
    • Move the strips of color paper to demonstrate different angles and ensure they stay in place with the push pins.

Example Layout:

  • Center: Full protractor (360 degrees) with a strip showing a reflex angle.
  • Top Left: Half protractor (180 degrees) with a strip showing an acute angle.
  • Top Right: Half protractor (180 degrees) with a strip showing a right angle.
  • Bottom Left: Half protractor (180 degrees) with a strip showing an obtuse angle.
  • Bottom Right: Half protractor (180 degrees) with a strip showing a straight angle.

By following these steps, you can create an effective and interactive working model to demonstrate different types of angles.

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