how to make types of angles math’s working model(TLM project)

In this post we written on how to make the model on types of angles math’s working project (TLM project) using cardboard and color paper

types of angles math's working model(TLM project)
types of angles math’s working model(TLM project)

Creating a working model to demonstrate types of angles using cardboard and color paper is an excellent way to visualize and understand different angle measurements.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making the model:

Materials you will need:

  • Cardboard (for the base and angle representations)
  • Color paper (different colors for different types of angles)
  • Scissors
  • Glue or adhesive
  • Markers or pens (for adding details)

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare the base:
    • Take a large piece of cardboard to serve as the base for your angle model.
  2. Draw and cut out angle representations:
    • Use a ruler and a pencil to draw various angle representations on the color paper. For example:
      • Right angle (90 degrees): Draw an “L” shape with one angle measuring 90 degrees.
      • Acute angle (less than 90 degrees): Draw a small angle less than 90 degrees.
      • Obtuse angle (greater than 90 degrees): Draw a larger angle greater than 90 degrees.
      • Straight angle (180 degrees): Draw a straight line.
    • Cut out these angle representations from the color paper using scissors.
  3. Glue the angles onto the cardboard:
    • Glue each angle representation onto the cardboard base, leaving some space between them.
  4. Demonstrate angle relationships:
    • Use the model to demonstrate the relationships between different angle types. For example, show how two acute angles can add up to form a right angle, or how two supplementary angles form a straight angle.

This model provides a visual representation of various angle measurements and their characteristics. It’s a fun and educational project to understand the different types of angles and how they relate to one another in geometry.

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Video guide on making types of angles math’s working model(TLM project)

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