The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, launched by the Government of India, is a noble mission aimed at achieving a clean and green India.
In this project, we’ll create a 3D model to visually represent this mission. We’ll use a ball to symbolize the Earth, a rotating motor for dynamism, and miniature plants to emphasize the goal of a cleaner and greener nation.

Let’s embark on this endeavor to promote a cleaner, healthier India!
Materials Needed:
- A ball (representing the Earth)
- A rotating motor or a turntable
- Miniature plants or model trees
- Craft materials (glue, paint, etc.)
- Cardboard or a base for the model
- A dark room or a space where you can control the lighting
Building the 3D Model:
Setting the Earth in Motion:
Step 1: Mount the Ball
- Secure the ball onto the rotating motor or turntable. This represents the Earth and its constant movement.
Creating the Foundation:
Step 2: Prepare the Base
- Use cardboard or any suitable base material to create a stable platform for your model. This will provide support and stability for the rotating Earth.
Symbolizing Clean India:
Step 3: Representing Cleanliness
- Paint or decorate a portion of the Earth with bright, clean colors. This signifies the cleanliness aspect of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
Signifying Green India:
Step 4: Introducing Miniature Plants
- Attach miniature plants or model trees to various parts of the base. These plants represent the greenery that is essential for a healthier environment.
Adding Movement:
Step 5: Activate the Rotating Motor
- Turn on the rotating motor or turntable. Watch as the Earth begins to spin. This dynamic motion signifies progress and continuous effort towards cleanliness and greenery.
Illuminating the Model:
Step 6: Control Lighting
- If possible, dim the lights or use spotlights to highlight the model. This enhances the visual impact of the rotating Earth and the green plants.
Understanding the Model:
As the Earth rotates, the clean, bright section showcases the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’s goal of cleanliness. The miniature plants symbolize the commitment to a greener environment.
Through this 3D model, we’ve visually represented the mission of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. It’s a dynamic, rotating reminder of our collective responsibility to create a cleaner, greener India.