In this topic, we are going to show you how to build a series circuit and parallel circuit model at home for your science project or exhibitions.
This homemade series and parallel science project are done using materials like 9 V battery, LED bulbs and Wires which is easily available at home at low cost.
Series circuit Definition
In series, the circuit is closed where the current flows in one path

In the series circuit, the current(I) passes through each load is the same and the total voltage across the circuit is the sum of the voltages across each load.
Parallel Circuit Definition
In Parallel circuits will have multiple branching for electrical currents (I)

The voltage across each of the components is the same in a parallel circuit and the total current is the sum of the currents flowing through each component.
Here the same voltage is applied to all circuit components connected in parallel.
How to make a simple electric circuit with a safety pin for a school project at home step by step video?
In this video, we will show steps by step video instructions on how to build a series circuit and parallel circuit model at home easy way.
Series circuit Connection Video Steps:
First, take two led bulbs one with yellow color and another with green color, connect the green color wire of both these led bulbs together.
Now connect second wires of both the led bulbs to two wires of resistance which is attached to the resistance that is connected to a 9 V battery.
This completes the series circuit and observes that both yellow and green led lights will glow.
Parallel circuit Connection Video Steps:
First, take two led bulbs one with yellow color and another with green color, connect the green color wire of both these led bulbs together.
Similarly, connect black and red color wires of both led’s together as shown in the video.
Now connect the red color wire from resistance to one of the wire pair from led.
Let us have a safety pin connected to the black wire of resistance that is attached to 9 V battery, now connect that safety pin to another pair of wire of LEDs.
This completes the parallel circuit and observes that both yellow and green led lights will glow.
Now insert a safety pin in between one end of resistance and a wire connecting to green led and complete the circuit and observe that both yellow and green led lights will glow.
Materials Used to Make Series and Parallel Circuit
Materials used in this video are shown below to build a series circuit and parallel circuit model at home by taking the help of your parents.
- 9
V battery
- Led
- Resistance
- Safety
Questions & Answers
1. Difference between a series and a parallel circuit?
Series circuit all components are connected in series hence they all share the same current however in the parallel circuit all components are connected in parallel hence all have the same potential difference between them.
2. Which is a better series or parallel circuit?
A parallel circuit is better than the series.
3. What is the benefit of a parallel circuit over a series circuit?
Parallel circuit provides consistence voltage in comparison to series circuit.
Series and parallel circuit model helps students to learn about the functioning of both, advantages as well as how to make it with easily available materials at home.