In this post we give you complete details on how to make the probability math’s working model for project exhibition – diy – math’s tlm – fun wheel – game wheel

Creating a probability game with a rotating circle that picks a number with each rotation is a great way to illustrate concepts of randomness and probability.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create this game and the principles behind it:
Materials Needed:
- Cardboard or foam board (for the circle and base)
- Spinner mechanism (pin and paperclip, or a toy spinner)
- Markers or colorful paper (to decorate and label the circle)
- Tape or glue
- Scissors or craft knife
- Ruler
- Small stickers or markers (to indicate selected numbers)
Step by Step Video Instructions:
1. Create the Rotating Circle:
- Cut out a large circle from the cardboard or foam board.
- Divide the circle into equal sections using a ruler. The number of sections can vary, but let’s use 12 sections for simplicity.
- Label each section with a number from 1 to 12. Optionally, you can use different colors to make it visually appealing.
- Attach the spinner mechanism at the center of the circle. A pin and paperclip can work, where the paperclip spins around the pin.
2. Set Up the Base:
- Secure the circle onto a sturdy base using tape or glue, ensuring the circle can spin freely.
3. Design the Game Rules:
- Define the rules for the game. For example:
- Players take turns spinning the wheel.
- Each number corresponds to a specific action or point value.
- Track the outcomes of each spin on a score sheet or with small stickers on a separate board.
Working Principle:
The rotating circle game demonstrates key concepts in probability and randomness:
- Random Outcomes:
- Each spin of the circle results in a random outcome, with each section having an equal probability of being selected if the circle is divided equally and spun fairly.
- Equal Probability:
- For a 12-section circle, each number has a 1/12 (or about 8.33%) chance of being landed on with each spin.
- Cumulative Probability:
- As players spin the wheel multiple times, the outcomes should start to reflect the equal probabilities. This illustrates the law of large numbers, where the frequencies of outcomes will tend to match the expected probabilities over many trials.
Example Game Rules:
- Points System:
- Assign point values or actions to each number. For example:
- Numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11: Gain 1 point
- Numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12: Lose 1 point
- Alternatively, you can assign different points or special actions to each number for more variety.
- Assign point values or actions to each number. For example:
- Game Play:
- Each player takes turns spinning the circle.
- Note the number the spinner lands on and perform the corresponding action (gain or lose points).
- Track the players’ scores on a score sheet or with stickers on a board.
- Winning the Game:
- Decide on a winning condition, such as the first player to reach a certain number of points or the highest score after a set number of rounds.
Demonstration of Probability:
1. Single Spin Probability:
- On any single spin, each number from 1 to 12 has an equal chance of being selected (1/12).
2. Multiple Spins Probability:
- As the game progresses, you can observe the distribution of outcomes. Ideally, each number should appear roughly 1/12 of the time over a large number of spins.
Example Playing Scenario:
- Round 1:
- Player 1 spins and lands on 5: Gains 1 point
- Player 2 spins and lands on 8: Loses 1 point
- Round 2:
- Player 1 spins and lands on 3: Gains 1 point
- Player 2 spins and lands on 2: Loses 1 point
- Winning:
- The game continues until a player reaches 10 points or after 20 rounds, the player with the highest score wins.
This probability game with a rotating circle provides a hands-on way to learn about randomness, equal probability, and cumulative probability through a fun and engaging activity.
#probability #maths #workingmodel #mathstlm #scienceproject #scienceexhibition #sciencefair #tlm #mathsmodel #diy