how to make parallelogram properties – maths tlm working model – diy – geometry tlm

In this post we write about making of the parallelogram properties maths tlm working model – diy – geometry tlm using cardboard and color paper

#parallelogram #properties #maths #mathsworkingmodel #mathstlm #geometry #tlm

Creating a working model to demonstrate the properties of a parallelogram using cardboard and color paper in a rotatable format can be a great educational tool.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to build this model:

Materials Needed:

  • Cardboard (for the base and structure)
  • Color paper (for detailing and labeling)
  • Brass fasteners (to create the rotatable joints)
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Marker or pen
  • Glue or double-sided tape
  • Protractor (for measuring angles)

Video step by step instructions on making of parallelogram properties – maths tlm working model

1. Prepare the Base and Main Structure

  1. Base Preparation:
    • Cut a large piece of cardboard to serve as the base. This will hold your rotating parallelogram structure.
  2. Parallelogram Shapes:
    • Cut four strips of cardboard of equal length. These will form the sides of the parallelogram.
    • Ensure the strips are of equal length to maintain the parallelogram properties.
  3. Corners and Fasteners:
    • Use brass fasteners to connect the ends of the cardboard strips together, forming a flexible parallelogram. The fasteners will act as the vertices and allow rotation.

2. Assembly of the Rotatable Parallelogram

  1. Connect the Strips:
    • Attach two strips together at one end using a brass fastener. Do the same for the other two strips.
    • Join the free ends of the two pairs of strips using brass fasteners to form a parallelogram. Ensure all connections are secure but allow rotation.
  2. Mounting on Base:
    • Attach the parallelogram structure to the base. Use a brass fastener at one vertex to secure it to the cardboard base, allowing the parallelogram to rotate and demonstrate its properties.

3. Detailing and Labeling

  1. Color Paper Detailing:
    • Cover the cardboard strips with color paper to make the model visually appealing. Use different colors for opposite sides if desired to highlight the properties of the parallelogram.
  2. Labeling:
    • Use a marker to label the sides, angles, and diagonals of the parallelogram. You can also label the properties such as:
      • Opposite sides are equal and parallel.
      • Opposite angles are equal.
      • Consecutive angles are supplementary.
      • Diagonals bisect each other.

4. Demonstration of Properties

  1. Rotational Movement:
    • Rotate the parallelogram to show that despite the change in shape, the properties remain constant.
    • Highlight how the opposite sides remain parallel and equal in length regardless of the angle of rotation.
  2. Educational Explanation:
    • Explain each property of the parallelogram using the model.
    • Demonstrate the relationship between the angles and the sides.
    • Use the protractor to measure angles and show that opposite angles are equal and consecutive angles are supplementary.

By following these steps, you can create a functional and interactive working model to demonstrate the properties of a parallelogram.

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