how to make math’s square working model -math’s project – math’s tlm – diy pandit

Creating a working model to demonstrate squares in mathematics using cardboard, paper cups, and holes can be a creative and hands-on project.

Here’s a simple DIY project for a math square working model:

Materials Needed:

  1. Cardboard
  2. Ruler
  3. Pencil
  4. Scissors
  5. Colored paper or construction paper
  6. Glue or tape
  7. Paper cups
  8. String or yarn
  9. Hole puncher
  10. Markers

Steps to Create the Math Square Working Model:

Step 1: Prepare the Base:

  • Cut a large square piece of cardboard to serve as the base for your working model.

Step 2: Create the Square:

  • On the cardboard, draw a square using a ruler and pencil. This square will be the template for your working model.

Step 3: Cut Out the Square:

  • Carefully cut out the square from the cardboard.

Step 4: Decorate the Square:

  • Cover the square with colored paper or construction paper. This step is optional but adds visual appeal.

Step 5: Paper Cup Corners:

  • Attach paper cups to each corner of the square using glue or tape. These will represent the vertices of the square.

Step 6: Hole Punching:

  • Punch a hole near the top edge of each paper cup using a hole puncher.

Step 7: String or Yarn:

  • Cut four pieces of string or yarn, each long enough to reach from the hole in the cup to the opposite side of the square.

Step 8: Attach String to Cups:

  • Thread one end of each string through the hole in a paper cup and tie a knot to secure it.

Step 9: Thread Strings Through Holes:

  • Thread the other end of each string through a hole near the opposite side of the square. This creates a diagonal across the square.

Step 10: Secure and Display:

  • Tie knots on the backside of the square to secure the strings. Trim any excess string.
  • Display your math square working model at the exhibition table.


  • During the exhibition, explain that the paper cups at each corner represent the vertices of a square.
  • Pulling the strings tight demonstrates the properties of a square, emphasizing equal sides and right angles.

This working model provides a tangible and interactive representation of a square in mathematics, making it an engaging display for a math project or exhibition. Visitors can physically manipulate the strings to see how the square maintains its shape and properties.

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