How to make paper balls for a solar system planets project using newspaper

Making paper balls for a solar system planets project using newspaper is a fun and creative way to represent the planets.

Here’s how you can do it:

Materials Needed:

  1. Newspaper
  2. Scissors
  3. Glue or tape
  4. Paints or markers (optional)
  5. String or fishing line (for hanging)

Steps by Steps Video Instructions:

Making paper balls for a solar system planets project using newspaper

1. Cut Strips of Newspaper:

  • Take a sheet of newspaper and cut it into long strips, about 1-2 inches wide.
  • You’ll need enough strips to make one ball for each planet in the solar system.

2. Crumple the Strips:

  • Take one strip of newspaper and crumple it into a ball.
  • Keep adding more strips and crumpling them around the first ball until you have a larger ball of newspaper.
  • Repeat this process for each planet, making balls of different sizes depending on the planet’s size.

3. Shape the Balls:

  • Once you have a rough ball shape, start shaping it with your hands to make it more spherical.
  • Press and squeeze the ball to compact the newspaper and make it firmer.
  • Continue shaping until you’re satisfied with the shape of each planet.

5. Hang the Planets:

  • Once you’ve made all the planets, you can hang them up to create your solar system model.
  • Use string or fishing line to attach each planet and hang them from a frame or ceiling.
  • Arrange the planets in the correct order from the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune).
  • Consider making the larger planets (like Jupiter and Saturn) closer to the center and the smaller ones (like Mercury and Mars) farther away.

6. Display Your Model:

  • Hang your solar system model in a room or classroom where it can be easily seen.
  • You can also add labels with the names of the planets to help identify them.
  • Enjoy your paper ball solar system project!

By following these steps, you can create a paper ball solar system project using newspaper that’s both educational and fun!

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