In this post we write about making of hydro electricity working model for science exhibition – diy – inspire award science project | DIY pandit
This model effectively demonstrates the fundamental principles behind hydroelectric power plants, where water’s energy is harnessed to generate electricity.
Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy:
- Water stored in the elevated reservoir has potential energy due to its height. When released, gravity causes the water to flow downward, converting potential energy into kinetic energy.
Kinetic Energy to Mechanical Energy:
- The flowing water hits the paddles of the water wheel, causing it to spin. This converts the kinetic energy of the water into mechanical energy.
Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energy:
- The spinning water wheel turns the axle of the DC motor. Inside the motor, the rotating motion creates a changing magnetic field, which induces an electrical current (according to Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction). This electrical current powers the LED light.
Creating a hydroelectricity working model using a DC motor, bottle caps, pop sticks to make a wheel, and a water-powered setup is a fascinating way to demonstrate the generation of electricity from water flow. Here’s how you can build this model:

Materials You’ll Need:
- DC motor (generator)
- Bottle caps (to create a wheel)
- Pop sticks or wooden sticks
- Small plastic bottle (to hold water)
- Plastic tray (for setup)
- Craft knife or scissors
- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
- Craft supplies for decoration (markers, stickers, etc.)
Step by Step Making of hydro electricity working model for science exhibition – diy
- Prepare the Base:
- Use the plastic tray as the base for your model.
- Create the Wheel:
- Attach bottle caps to the pop sticks evenly spaced to create the wheel.
- Glue the pop sticks to the bottle caps securely.
- Attach Wheel to DC Motor:
- Attach the wheel to the shaft of the DC motor using hot glue.
- Make sure the wheel can rotate freely when the motor is powered.
- Set Up the Water Flow:
- Create a water flow setup using the small plastic bottle.
- Position the bottle above the wheel, allowing water to flow onto the wheel’s paddles.
- Model Interaction:
- Pour water into the small plastic bottle to create a flow.
- The water flow will cause the wheel to rotate, which in turn generates electricity through the DC motor.
- Decoration:
- Decorate the setup, wheel, and base with craft supplies to enhance its appearance.
This model effectively demonstrates the basic concept of hydroelectricity generation, where water flow is used to turn a turbine-like structure, which then generates electricity. It’s a simple yet engaging way to learn about renewable energy sources and how they are harnessed to produce power.
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