how to make hydraulic lifting fan working model

A hydraulic lifting fan working model is a simple and creative way to demonstrate how hydraulics can be used to lift a fan, and how a DC motor powers the fan.

  • The hydraulic system demonstrates Pascal’s Law, where the pressure applied to the fluid in the stationary syringe is transmitted equally to the lifting syringe, causing it to raise the platform.
  • The DC motor powers the fan blades when connected to the 9V battery, spinning the blades and creating airflow.
  • You can manually control both the lifting of the platform and the fan operation using the syringe and switch.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to build this model using 2 syringes, 1 DC motor, a fan blade, a 9V battery, and a switch.

Materials Needed:

  • 2 large syringes (for the hydraulic lift)
  • Flexible plastic tubing (to connect the syringes)
  • 1 small DC motor (to rotate the fan)
  • Fan blade (can be bought or made using cardboard or plastic)
  • 9V battery
  • Switch (to control the DC motor)
  • Connecting wires
  • Cardboard or wooden base (for support)
  • Tape, glue, or screws (for securing components)
  • Water (for the hydraulic system)

Video Steps to Build the Model:

1. Create the Base and Lifting Platform:

  • Use a sturdy cardboard or wooden base to mount your components.
  • Create a platform on which the fan and motor will be placed. This platform will be lifted by the hydraulic system.

2. Set Up the Hydraulic System (Lift):

  • Attach one syringe horizontally to the base using tape or glue. This will be the stationary syringe.
  • Attach the second syringe vertically under the platform, so that when it expands, it lifts the platform. This syringe will act as the lifting syringe.
  • Connect both syringes with the plastic tubing. Ensure there are no air bubbles in the tubing by filling both syringes with water before connecting them. Water acts as the hydraulic fluid.

3. Fan and DC Motor Setup:

  • Attach the fan blade to the shaft of the DC motor. Ensure it is tightly secured.
  • Mount the DC motor on the platform (the part that will be lifted by the syringe), using tape or glue to keep it in place.
  • Connect the motor to the 9V battery through a switch using wires. This switch will control the motor’s power, turning the fan on and off.

4. Wiring the DC Motor:

  • Connect one wire from the DC motor to the positive terminal of the 9V battery.
  • Connect another wire from the negative terminal of the motor to the switch, and from the switch back to the negative terminal of the battery.
  • The switch will control the flow of electricity, powering the fan when closed.

5. Hydraulic Lifting Mechanism:

  • When you push the plunger of the stationary syringe, it forces water through the tubing and into the lifting syringe.
  • This pressure causes the plunger of the lifting syringe to rise, which lifts the platform holding the DC motor and fan.

6. Testing the Model:

  • To test the fan:
    1. Hydraulic Lift: Push the stationary syringe plunger to lift the platform (and the fan) upwards.
    2. Fan Operation: Close the switch to power the DC motor and turn the fan on. The fan will start spinning once the motor gets power from the 9V battery.
  • Release the stationary syringe slowly to lower the platform back down.

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