A carbon purification working model for industrial pollution focuses on demonstrating how activated carbon is used to filter harmful gases and pollutants in industrial emissions.
This model can showcase how industries purify the air they emit by using carbon-based filters to capture volatile organic compounds (VOCs), harmful gases, and particulate matter. Here’s how to create a science project working model:

To demonstrate how industries can reduce pollution by filtering exhaust gases through an activated carbon filtration system, simulating industrial air purification processes.
Materials Needed:
- Factory setup with chimney tubing for airflow (to simulate industrial exhaust pipes)
- Cloth/Cotton or sponge (as a pre-filter)
- Robo Motor to spin Prefilter
- Plastic Tray
- A small chimney model (optional, for visual effect)
Steps to Create the Working Model:
1. Set up the Industrial Chimney/Exhaust Pipe
- Chimney Representation: Use a small tube or pipe to represent the exhaust pipe from an industry. This is where the “polluted air” (smoke or gases) will be emitted.
- Pollution Source: Use incense sticks, or a small smoke-producing material to simulate pollution coming from an industry. This will be passed through the filtration system to show how activated carbon works to clean it.
Educational Value:
- This model teaches students about industrial air pollution control techniques and how activated carbon can be used to reduce emissions. It provides a visual demonstration of how gases are filtered and the importance of reducing harmful industrial pollutants.
- Concepts Covered:
- Adsorption: Activated carbon’s role in capturing contaminants through surface adhesion.
- Air Pollution: Understanding the types of pollutants industries release and their impact on health and the environment.
- Environmental Engineering: How industries mitigate pollution and comply with environmental standards by using filtration systems.
This working model provides a hands-on demonstration of carbon purification techniques used in industry to control pollution, helping students understand the importance of air purification technologies in real-world applications.