how to make lines and angles working model project


Lines A line is a straight path that extends infinitely in both directions. It is one-dimensional and has no thickness. Lines are fundamental elements in geometry and serve as the foundation for various geometric concepts. Types of Lines: Angles: An angle is formed by two rays or line segments that share a common endpoint. The … Read more

how to make math machine working model


Creating a math machine working model using cardboard is a creative and engaging way to demonstrate mathematical concepts. Let’s design a simple math machine that can perform addition and subtraction operations. Materials Needed: Steps to Create the Math Machine: Step 1: Base Construction Step 2: Input and Output Sections Step 3: Operation Components Step 4: … Read more

power generator working model science project for exhibition – diy | DIY pandit


Creating a power generator working model for a science project using a small cardboard box, a DC motor, and a DIY crank is an excellent idea. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Materials Needed: Video Steps by Steps on Power Generator: 1. Prepare the Base: 2. House Representation: 3. Attach the DC Motor: 4. Create a Crank … Read more

how to make maths working model on numbers – before and after model 3d – numbers tlm -maths project | DIY pandit


Creating a “Before and After” 3D model for a math project using a cardboard box and color paper is a creative and engaging idea. This model can help students visualize the concept of numbers and their transformations. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Materials Needed: Video Steps by Steps on Numbers: 1. Prepare the Box: 2. Create … Read more

3D bar graph model for a science exhibition


Creating a 3D bar graph model for a science exhibition comparing subject marks versus scored marks is a great way to visually represent data. Here’s a step-by-step guide using cardboard and color paper: Materials Needed: Video Steps by Steps Instructions : This 3D bar graph model not only provides a clear representation of subject marks … Read more

how to make multiplication table working model – math’s project


Creating a multiplication table working model using color paper can be a fun and interactive way to help visualize multiplication concepts. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Materials Needed: Video Steps on multiplication table maths project : This model provides a hands-on approach to learning multiplication tables and allows learners to see the relationships between factors and … Read more

how to make place value working model – maths project


Creating a place value working model using colored paper is a fantastic idea to help visualize the concept of place value with ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Materials Needed: Video Steps for making place value working model : This hands-on and visually appealing model will serve as an excellent educational tool … Read more

model for a science exhibition on air, water, land, and noise pollution


Creating a model for a science exhibition on air, water, land, and noise pollution using cardboard is a great idea! Here’s a step-by-step guide for each aspect: Materials Needed: Air Pollution Model: Land Pollution Model: Water Pollution Model: Noise Pollution Model: Making of AIR – Water – Land – Noise Pollution Model

how to make geometrical 3d shapes working model – diy – maths project | craftpiller


Creating a geometrical 3D shapes working model for a math project using cardboard and colored paper can be both educational and visually appealing. Here’s a simple guide for making a 3D shapes : Materials Needed: Instructions: 1. Prepare the Base: a. Cut a square piece of cardboard. The size depends on how large you want … Read more

wind and solar energy working model science project for exhibition – diy – simple | howtofunda


Creating a wind and solar energy working model for a science exhibition using paper, cardboard, a DC motor for the wind turbine, and a 9V battery for lighting the house can be a fun and educational project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build your model: Materials Needed: Video Instructions of Making of Wind … Read more

how to make rainwater harvesting working science exhibition model explanation in English | howtofunda


Rainwater harvesting is a process of collecting and storing rainwater that falls on roofs or other surfaces. Rainwater harvesting is an eco-friendly practice that contributes to water conservation and sustainable development. This harvested rainwater can be used for various purposes, such as watering plants, flushing toilets, washing clothes, and even for drinking after proper treatment. … Read more

how to make math’s working model for algebraic identities


Creating a working model for algebraic identities using cardboard is a great way to visually represent and understand mathematical concepts. One common algebraic identity is the “Square of a Binomial.” Let’s create a model to represent the identity (�+�)2(a+b)2. Materials Needed: Model Construction: 1. Create the Base: 2. Draw the Square: 3. Divide the Square: … Read more

how to make working model to demonstrate the area of a circle


Creating a working model to demonstrate the area of a circle using cardboard and colored paper can be a fun and educational activity. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a simple but effective model: Materials Needed: Area of Circle Working Model Construction:

how to make 3D working model of the heart using cardboard and syringes


Let’s explain the workings of the heart in biology terms: How to make 3d Working model of Heart Creating a 3D working model of the heart using cardboard and syringes to represent blood pumping involves simulating the pumping action of the heart and the flow of blood through the circulatory system. Below are step-by-step instructions … Read more

how to make Pythagorean theorem working model – Math’s Project – CraftPiller with explanation


Creating a Pythagorean theorem working model using a helicopter and a building involves demonstrating the application of the theorem in a real-world scenario. The Pythagorean theorem states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of … Read more