50 science projects on hydraulic using syringes

innovative hydraulic brakes working model to generate electricity

Here are 50 science project ideas that involve creating hydraulic systems using syringes: Syringe-Powered Robotic Arm: Build a simple robotic arm that uses syringes as hydraulic actuators to control its movement. Syringe Lift System: Design a hydraulic lift mechanism using syringes to raise and lower objects. Syringe-Powered Crane: Construct a miniature crane that utilizes hydraulic … Read more

50 science projects on space


Here are 50 science project ideas related to space and astronomy: Model Solar System: Create a scale model of the solar system with accurate distances and sizes of planets. Telescope Comparison: Compare the performance of different types of telescopes for observing celestial objects. Lunar Crater Formation: Investigate the formation of impact craters by dropping objects … Read more

50 science project working model using dc motor


Here are 50 science project working model ideas using DC motors: Fan Model: Create a simple handheld fan using a DC motor and explore airflow. Wind Turbine: Build a miniature wind turbine to generate electricity using a DC motor. Electric Car Model: Design a small-scale electric car model powered by a DC motor. Conveyor Belt: … Read more

10 Electric Science Project Working Model with Explanation

innovative hydraulic brakes working model to generate electricity

Here are 10 electric science project working models that you can consider for your science project: Simple Circuit : Create a simple circuit using conductive materials, batteries, and LED lights to indicate progress. Homemade Electric Motor: Build a basic electric motor using a battery, magnet, copper wire, and a small coil. Observe how the motor … Read more

Real life examples of law of acceleration

The term “law of acceleration” is not a commonly recognized scientific principle or law. However, there is a fundamental principle in physics known as “Newton’s second law of motion,” which relates to acceleration. Let’s explore some real-life examples of Newton’s second law of motion: Newton’s Second Law of Motion: The acceleration of an object is … Read more

science project ideas about space

phases of moon working model science exhibition

In this post I will be giving you 10+ science project ideas about space day and night science project working model – innovative inspire science project A day and night science project is an engaging and educational activity that helps students understand the Earth’s rotation, the concept of day and night, and the positions of … Read more

fire alarm science project – simple and easy – dy easy steps and its explanation

fire alarm science project - simple and easy - dy easy steps and its explanation

A fire alarm is a crucial safety device designed to detect and warn people about the presence of fire in a building. Its primary purpose is to provide an early warning, allowing occupants to evacuate safely and take appropriate actions to control the fire or seek help. When a fire is detected, the fire alarm … Read more

how to make earth gravitational force working model science project

how to make earth gravitational force working model science project

The Earth’s gravitational force is the force of attraction that the Earth exerts on objects near its surface due to its mass. Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that governs the motion of celestial bodies, including planets, moons, and satellites. It is what keeps everything anchored to the Earth and gives weight to objects. … Read more

how to make physics working model on physics units and measurements


physics units and measurements model is an excellent way to understand the fundamental concepts of units, measurements, and their importance in scientific investigations. #physics #workingmodel #physicalunits #diy #ledlights #match #howtofunda #scienceexhibition #sciencefair #scienceproject #measurement Step by Step Video instructions on making of physics working model on physics units and measurements https://www.youtube.com/@howtofunda

electricity working model science project on conductor or non conductor


Conductor or non-conductor model is a great way to understand the concept of electrical conductivity and how materials can either allow or prevent the flow of electricity. This simple model will demonstrate the difference between conductors and non-conductors (insulators). Conductors: Metals (e.g., copper, aluminum, iron), water (when not highly purified), graphite (found in pencils), and … Read more

wind turbine or wind mill working model science project – innovative – award winning

wind turbine or wind mill working model science project - innovative - award winning

wind turbine or wind mill working model science project – innovative – award winning | howtofunda #windturbine #windmill #workingmodel #scienceproject #workingproject #innovative #inspireaward #howtofunda #scienceexhibition #sciencefair #sciencemodel Step by Step Making of wind turbine or wind mill working model science project – innovative – award winning

how to connect dc water pump with battery and switch – science project for exhibition

how to connect dc water pump with battery and switch - science project for exhibition

In this post we write about making of the how to connect dc water pump with battery and switch – science project for exhibition Connecting a DC water pump with a 9V battery, wires, and a switch is a relatively simple electrical setup. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it: Materials You’ll Need: … Read more

automatic street light working model science project exhibition with explanation


An automatic street light system is a circuit that automatically switches on and off street lights depending on the presence of people or vehicles in the area In this project we are demonstrating how to make the automatic street light working model science project exhibition – diy – simple and easy without using the sensors … Read more

street light working model for science project exhibition – simple and easy – with explanation

street light working model for science project exhibition - simple and easy

street light working model for science project exhibition – simple and easy | howtofunda #streetlight #workingproject #workingmodel #sciencefair #sciencemodel #scienceproject #scienceexhibition A working model of a street light can be created using: The steps to create the model are: This working model demonstrates how a street light functions by allowing electricity to flow from the … Read more

how to make newton’s law working model (Newton first, second & thrid law) Science Project


Isaac Newton’s laws of motion are a set of three physical laws that form the basis of classical mechanics. They describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and its motion in response to those forces. The laws are: Newton’s first law It is also known as the law of inertia, … Read more