solar and lunar eclipse working model science project for exhibition – diy – earth | howtofunda – with detailed explanation

Creating a working model of solar and lunar eclipses using a light bulb as the sun and a plastic ball as Earth involves a few steps. Here’s how you can do it:

Materials Needed:

  1. Light bulb
  2. Plastic ball (for Earth)
  3. Two small wheels
  4. Cardboard or a sturdy base
  5. Wooden dowel or metal rod
  6. Paints (optional, for decoration)
  7. Markers
  8. Craft glue or hot glue gun
  9. Small flashlight (optional, for added effect)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

solar and lunar eclipse working model science project for exhibition – diy – earth | howtofunda
  1. Prepare the Base:
    • Attach the light bulb securely to the base using a socket. This will represent the sun.
  2. Create Earth:
    • Paint the plastic ball to resemble Earth. Use blue and green for oceans and landmasses.
    • Once the paint dries, mark a small ‘X’ on one side of the ball. This will represent a specific point on Earth’s surface.
  3. Mount Earth on Wheels:
    • Attach the two wheels to the bottom of the plastic ball (Earth) using glue.
    • Ensure that the wheels are positioned evenly so that the ball can rotate smoothly.
  4. Make the Tilted Axis:
    • Tilt the wooden dowel or metal rod slightly. This will serve as Earth’s axis.
    • Attach Earth to the tilted axis, making sure it’s stable.
  5. Position Earth and Sun:
    • Place Earth at a certain distance from the sun (light bulb) on the base. The distance should be relative, not to scale.
  6. Create the Moon:
    • If you want to demonstrate lunar eclipses, you can use a smaller ball (painted to look like the moon) mounted on a small stick.
  7. Add Lunar Orbit:
    • Attach the moon to the Earth using the stick and position it so that it revolves around Earth.
  8. Add the Circular Rotation:
    • Attach a circular piece of cardboard or plastic to the base. This represents the orbital path of Earth around the sun.
    • Attach the wheels to the bottom of the circular piece, allowing it to rotate.
  9. Demonstrate Eclipses:
    • Turn on the light bulb (sun). Depending on the position of the moon, you can show solar and lunar eclipses.
    • To demonstrate a solar eclipse, position the moon between the Earth and the sun, blocking the light from reaching Earth.
    • To demonstrate a lunar eclipse, position the Earth between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon.
  10. Adjust and Test:
    • Test the model by rotating Earth around the sun and observing how eclipses occur.
    • Make any necessary adjustments for smoother operation.

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