In this post we write about making of the probability maths working model – tlm – diy – cardboard – simple and easy
Creating a working model that uses a rotating mechanism powered by a 9V battery to simulate throwing dice and determining a lucky number can be a fascinating project. This model will involve some basic electronics and mechanics.
Here’s how you can create this model and incorporate the concept of probability into the game:

Materials Needed:
- A small motor (suitable for use with a 9V battery)
- A 9V battery and battery holder
- Wires and a switch
- Cardboard or foam board (for the base and dice container)
- A small plastic ball (like a ping pong ball)
- Dice (or a custom-made dice mechanism)
- Markers or colored paper (to decorate and label the model)
- Glue, tape, and scissors or a craft knife
- A small container or cup (to catch the ball)
Step by Step Video Instructions:
1. Set Up the Base:
- Use a sturdy piece of cardboard or foam board as the base for your model. Ensure it’s large enough to hold the motor and the dice container.
2. Create the Dice Container:
- Make a small box from cardboard or foam board where the dice will be placed. Ensure it’s large enough for the dice to roll freely.
- Cut a hole at the bottom of the box to attach it to the motor’s shaft, allowing the box to rotate when the motor is powered.
3. Attach the Motor:
- Secure the motor to the base. Make sure the motor’s shaft can rotate the dice container smoothly.
- Connect the wires from the motor to the battery holder and add a switch in between to control the power.
4. Prepare the Dice Mechanism:
- Place one or more dice inside the container. Alternatively, you can create a custom dice with different numbers or symbols if you want to define specific “lucky” numbers.
5. Set Up the Ball Mechanism:
- Create a ramp or a guiding tube from the edge of the container to a small cup or container. This will guide the ball after it’s thrown to indicate the “lucky” number.
- Position the cup so that it catches the ball, and label sections of the ramp or cup with numbers corresponding to the dice results.
6. Decorate the Model:
- Use markers or colored paper to decorate and label the model. Clearly mark the numbers on the cup or ramp where the ball will land.
Demonstration and Working Principle:
- Powering the Motor:
- Turn on the switch to power the motor using the 9V battery. The motor will rotate the dice container, causing the dice to roll inside.
- Throwing the Ball:
- Throw the small plastic ball into the rotating dice container. The ball will interact with the rolling dice, and after a few seconds, turn off the motor to let the dice settle.
- Determining the Lucky Number:
- The ball will follow the ramp or guide to land in the labeled cup or section. The number where the ball lands corresponds to the “lucky” number.
- Probability Explanation:
- Each number on the dice has an equal probability of being the “lucky” number. For a single six-sided die, each number (1 through 6) has a 1/6 (or about 16.67%) chance of being rolled.
- The interaction between the rolling dice and the thrown ball adds an element of randomness, similar to real-life dice throwing.
Example Playing Scenario:
- Player’s Turn:
- Player 1 turns on the motor, which starts rotating the dice container.
- Player 1 throws the ball into the container.
- After a few seconds, Player 1 turns off the motor, letting the dice settle.
- The ball follows the ramp and lands in the section labeled with a number (e.g., 4).
- Determining the Winner:
- If multiple players are playing, each player takes turns.
- The player whose turn results in the ball landing on a predetermined “lucky” number (e.g., 6) wins the game.
Final Thoughts:
This model combines basic electronics, mechanics, and the principles of probability in an interactive and educational game. By building and playing with this model, players can gain a better understanding of random events and probability while having fun.
#probability #maths #workingmodel #tlm #mathstlm #simple #howtofunda