how to make photosynthesis working model science project exhibition – diy

In this post we have explained you how to make the photosynthesis working model science project exhibition – diy using cardboard available to home easily

#photosynthesis #workingmodel #scienceexhibition #sciencemodel #scienceproject #craftpiller #diy

Creating a working model of photosynthesis using a cardboard and bricks pot, a real plant, and an LED bulb to simulate solar light can be an effective educational project.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you build this model:

Materials Needed

  • Real plant (small potted plant)
  • Cardboard (for constructing parts of the model)
  • Small bricks or a brick pot (for holding the plant) in cardboard
  • LED bulb (to simulate sunlight)
  • 9V battery or power source for LED bulb
  • Wires and a switch (for the LED circuit)
  • Hot glue gun or craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Paints or markers (for decoration)
  • Soil (for the plant if not already potted)
  • Small clear plastic container or glass (optional, to simulate water)

Step By Step Guide to Make the photosynthesis working model science project exhibition – diy

1. Prepare the Base and Plant Setup

  1. Brick Pot Setup:
    • Arrange small bricks to form a pot or use an existing brick pot. Ensure it can securely hold the plant.
    • Place the real plant in the brick pot with soil. If the plant is not potted, carefully transplant it into the brick pot with fresh soil.
  2. Cardboard Construction:
    • Use cardboard to construct additional parts of the model, such as labels, diagrams, or a backdrop.
    • Decorate the cardboard with paints or markers to illustrate elements of photosynthesis (e.g., sunlight, water, CO2, O2).

2. Install the LED Bulb

  1. LED Bulb Setup:
    • Connect the LED bulb to a power source such as a 9V battery. Use wires to connect the LED bulb to the battery terminals.
    • If using a switch, incorporate it into the circuit to easily turn the LED bulb on and off.
    • Use hot glue or craft glue to attach the LED bulb to a piece of cardboard or directly above the plant to simulate sunlight.

3. Assemble the Model

  1. Positioning the Components:
    • Place the brick pot with the plant at the center of your model base.
    • Position the LED bulb above the plant to simulate sunlight shining down on it.
    • Arrange the cardboard parts around the plant to illustrate the photosynthesis process, such as arrows indicating the flow of sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen.
  2. Optional Water Simulation:
    • Use a small clear plastic container or glass to simulate water. Place it near the plant and label it as “Water” to show its role in photosynthesis.

4. Label and Decorate

  1. Labels and Diagrams:
    • Create labels using small pieces of cardboard or paper to identify different components: “Sunlight”, “CO2”, “O2”, “Water”, “Glucose”.
    • Draw arrows on the cardboard backdrop to show the flow of energy and matter during photosynthesis.
  2. Final Touches:
    • Add any additional decorations or information to enhance the educational value of the model.
    • Ensure all components are securely attached and the model is stable.

5. Demonstrate the Model

  1. Explaining Photosynthesis:
    • Explain the process of photosynthesis, highlighting the role of sunlight (simulated by the LED bulb), water (from the soil), and carbon dioxide (from the air) in producing oxygen and glucose.
    • Show how the LED bulb represents sunlight, which is crucial for the photosynthesis process.
  2. Interactive Element:
    • Encourage viewers to turn the LED bulb on and off to simulate day and night and discuss the impact of light on photosynthesis.

By following these steps, you’ll create an informative and visually engaging photosynthesis working model using a brick pot, real plant, cardboard, and an LED bulb.

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