how to make multiplication table working model – math’s project

Creating a multiplication table working model using color paper can be a fun and interactive way to help visualize multiplication concepts.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Materials Needed:

  • Colored paper (different colors for each factor)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers or a pen
  • Cardboard or a sturdy base (optional)

Video Steps on multiplication table maths project :

  1. Prepare Strips:
    • Cut four separate strips of colored paper, each representing a different factor in the multiplication table. For example, you could have strips for the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    • The length of each strip can vary, but make sure they are long enough to accommodate the entire multiplication table.
  2. Label the Strips:
    • On each strip, write the number it represents (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4).
    • This step ensures that learners can easily identify each strip and understand which factor it represents.
  3. Number Boxes:
    • Cut small squares from colored paper to create number boxes.
    • Write the multiplication results in each box. For example, if you’re working with the 1 strip and the 2 strip, create number boxes with the results of 1 x 1, 1 x 2, 1 x 3, etc.
  4. Assembly:
    • Arrange the strips side by side on a flat surface or glue them onto a cardboard base.
    • Place the strips in such a way that they create a grid, with the factor numbers along the top and left sides.
    • Attach the number boxes to the appropriate positions within the grid.
  5. Once the model is assembled and any interactive elements are added, display it prominently during your presentation or exhibition.
    • Consider adding labels or explanations to guide viewers in understanding the purpose of the model.

This model provides a hands-on approach to learning multiplication tables and allows learners to see the relationships between factors and their products.

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