how to make working model of a geostationary satellite


To create a working model of a geostationary satellite using a large ball to represent Earth, an LED-equipped satellite, and a motor to demonstrate the satellite’s orbit.

Materials Needed

  1. Large ball (to represent Earth)
  2. Small model or craft satellite (lightweight)
  3. LED light
  4. Battery for LED light
  5. GI (Galvanized Iron) wire
  6. Slow running motor
  7. Stand or base for motor
  8. Power source for motor
  9. Paint and markers (to decorate the Earth and satellite)
  10. Hot glue gun or strong adhesive
  11. Insulated wire (for LED connections)
  12. Switch (optional, to control the LED)

Step by step video Instructions on making working model of a geostationary satellite

Step 1: Prepare the Earth Model

  1. Decorate the Ball:
    • Paint the large ball to resemble Earth, with continents and oceans. Use markers for details.
    • Allow the paint to dry completely.

Step 2: Prepare the Satellite

  1. Build the Satellite:
    • Create a small satellite model using lightweight materials like cardboard, plastic, or craft materials.
    • Ensure the satellite has an attachment point for the GI wire.
  2. Attach the LED:
    • Securely attach the LED light to the satellite. Connect the LED to the battery using insulated wire.
    • If using a switch, connect it in line with the battery and LED to control the light.

Step 3: Assemble the Geostationary System

  1. Attach the Satellite to the GI Wire:
    • Cut a piece of GI wire long enough to reach from the surface of the Earth model to a height that simulates a geostationary orbit (approximately 36,000 km scaled down).
    • Attach one end of the GI wire to the satellite. Ensure it is firmly attached and balanced.
  2. Attach the Other End of the GI Wire to the Earth Model:
    • Secure the other end of the GI wire to the ball (Earth model). You may need to use a hot glue gun or strong adhesive to keep it in place.

Step 4: Motor Setup

  1. Prepare the Motor:
    • Set up the slow running motor on a stable stand or base.
    • Ensure the motor can support and rotate the Earth model without tipping over.
  2. Attach the Earth Model to the Motor:
    • Secure the Earth model to the rotating shaft of the motor. Ensure it is centered and balanced to rotate smoothly.
  3. Connect the Power Source:
    • Connect the motor to its power source. Make sure it is set to a slow speed to simulate the 24-hour rotation of Earth.

Step 5: Final Assembly and Testing

  1. Position the Satellite:
    • Adjust the GI wire so the satellite is positioned at a fixed point relative to the rotating Earth model. The satellite should appear to stay in the same position above a specific point on Earth.
  2. Power On:
    • Turn on the motor to start the rotation of the Earth model.
    • If using a switch, turn on the LED light on the satellite.
  3. Observe the Model:
    • As the Earth model rotates, observe how the satellite remains geostationary, staying above the same point on the Earth’s surface.


This working model effectively demonstrates the concept of a geostationary satellite, showing how it orbits the Earth at the same rotational speed, remaining over a fixed point.

This hands-on project helps students visualize and understand the mechanics behind geostationary satellites used for telecommunications, weather monitoring, and more.

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