global warming working model project for science exhibition – diy – simple and easy | howtofunda #globalwarming #workingmodel #sciencefair #sciencemodel #scienceexhibition #workingproject #scienceproject #howtofunda
A working model project on global warming can aim to demonstrate the causes and effects of global warming, as well as potential solutions. The project can include the following steps:
- Research: gather information on the causes of global warming such as greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.
- Building a model: using materials such as Styrofoam, plastic, or cardboard to create a representation of the Earth’s atmosphere.
- Demonstrating the greenhouse effect: by using a heat lamp to simulate the sun’s radiation and trapping it in the atmosphere using the greenhouse gases.
- Showing the impact: by adding layers of Styrofoam or plastic to represent the increasing levels of greenhouse gases and demonstrating the resulting rise in temperature.
- Presenting solutions: such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions through alternative energy sources, and conserving forests to absorb carbon dioxide.
This project can help raise awareness about the issue of global warming and encourage action to reduce its impact.