how to make electrical energy working model (light, magnetic and mechanical energy working model)

In this post we write about making of the Electrical energy working model (light, magnetic and mechanical energy working model)

Creating an electrical energy working model that demonstrates light, magnetic, and mechanical energy can be an exciting and educational project.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making a simple electrical energy working model with these components:

Materials you’ll need:

  1. Cardboard or wooden base
  2. LED light
  3. Small electric motor
  4. Neodymium magnets
  5. Copper wire
  6. Battery or power source (such as a 9V battery)
  7. Insulated wire or electrical cables
  8. Switch (optional)
  9. Glue or adhesive tape
  10. Scissors
  11. Markers or colored pens (optional, for additional details)

Step-by-step process:

  1. Prepare the base:
    • Cut out a rectangular or square piece of cardboard or use a wooden base to serve as the foundation for your working model.
  2. Assemble the light component:
    • Insert an LED light into the base. You can glue it in place or use a small slot to secure it.
  3. Create the magnetic component:
    • Attach one or more neodymium magnets to the base using glue. Make sure they are placed securely and in a way that they can interact with the electric motor.
  4. Build the electric motor:
    • Wind copper wire around the motor’s armature (the central rotating part) to create a coil. Leave two ends of the wire sticking out.
    • Attach the motor to the base, positioning it near the magnets so that when the motor spins, it interacts with the magnetic field.
  5. Connect the components:
    • Connect one end of the copper wire from the motor to one terminal of the LED light.
    • Connect the other end of the copper wire to the positive terminal of the battery.
    • Connect the negative terminal of the battery to the negative terminal of the LED light to complete the circuit.
  6. Add a switch (optional):
    • If you want to control the flow of electrical energy, you can add a switch to the circuit. Place the switch between the battery’s negative terminal and the LED light’s negative terminal.
  7. Optional details:
    • Use markers or colored pens to label the different components of your electrical energy working model. You can also add arrows to indicate the flow of electricity through the circuit.
  8. Demonstration:
    • Turn on the switch (if included) or simply connect the battery to the circuit. The electrical energy will flow through the copper wire, powering the motor to spin and interact with the magnetic field, and lighting up the LED light.

Remember, this is a simplified electrical energy working model suitable for educational purposes and basic visualization. For more complex and detailed models, you might want to explore additional materials and techniques, such as using a breadboard for better electrical connections or incorporating other electrical components. However, this simple model effectively demonstrates the transformation of electrical energy into light, magnetic, and mechanical energy, making it a great educational tool.

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Electrical energy working model (light, magnetic and mechanical energy working model)

Video steps on making of the Electrical energy working model (light, magnetic and mechanical energy working model)

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