electricity working model science project on conductor or non conductor


Conductor or non-conductor model is a great way to understand the concept of electrical conductivity and how materials can either allow or prevent the flow of electricity. This simple model will demonstrate the difference between conductors and non-conductors (insulators). Conductors: Metals (e.g., copper, aluminum, iron), water (when not highly purified), graphite (found in pencils), and … Read more

transportation and communication model making for school science project exhibition – simple and easy – future smart diy


The transportation and communication model is a conceptual framework that illustrates the interconnectedness and significance of transportation and communication systems in facilitating the movement of people, goods, and information within a society or between regions. Both transportation and communication play vital roles in economic, social, and cultural development. #transportation #communication #future #smart #scienceexhibition #sciencefair #scienceproject … Read more

day and night working model science project for exhibition – simple and easy


The day and night working model, also known as the day-night cycle or diurnal cycle, is a representation of how the Earth experiences alternating periods of daylight and darkness as it rotates on its axis. This cycle is responsible for the transition between day and night, as well as the changes in illumination and temperature … Read more

star topology working model for computer science exhibition

Star topology is a type of network topology commonly used in computer networks, where all devices (nodes) in the network are connected to a central hub or switch. In a star network, all communication between devices must pass through the central hub, which acts as a central point of control and management. This topology is … Read more

how to make mesh topology computer network working model for science project exhibition

Mesh topology is a type of network topology used in computer networks where every device (node) is directly connected to every other device in the network. In a mesh network, data can take multiple paths to reach its destination, making it a highly redundant and fault-tolerant topology. Mesh networks are commonly used in various applications, … Read more

layers of earth atmosphere working model

layers of earth atmosphere working model - howtofunda - diy - simple and easy updated

The Earth’s atmosphere consists of several distinct layers, each with its own unique characteristics and properties. Starting from the surface and moving upwards, the layers of the Earth’s atmosphere are as follows: Troposphere: The troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth’s surface and extends up to an average altitude of about 8 to 16 … Read more

geothermal energy power plant working model science project for exhibition

Geothermal energy is a renewable and sustainable form of energy that harnesses the heat from the Earth’s interior to generate electricity or provide direct heating and cooling. The word “geothermal” originates from the Greek words “geo,” meaning Earth, and “therme,” meaning heat. Heat Source: The Earth’s core is extremely hot, with temperatures reaching several thousand … Read more

sea wave electricity generation working model


Sea wave electricity generation, also known as wave energy or wave power, is a renewable energy technology that harnesses the kinetic energy of ocean waves to generate electricity. It involves the conversion of the up-and-down motion of waves into a usable form of energy. #sea #wave #electricity #generation #workingmodel #diy #howtofunda #tidalenergy Step by Step … Read more

biodiversity model project for science exhibition

biodiversity model project

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, including all living organisms from plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms, as well as the ecological complexes they form. This diversity can be observed at various levels, such as genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. Biodiversity is a fundamental aspect of the planet’s health and is … Read more

air pollution and water pollution model making for science project exhibition

air pollution and water pollution model making for science project exhibition – diy – simple and easy steps Air pollution refers to the presence of harmful substances and pollutants in the Earth’s atmosphere. These pollutants can have adverse effects on human health, the environment, and the climate. Air pollution can originate from natural sources or … Read more