Air Cooler Working Model Explanation in English

An air cooler is a simple and efficient way to cool the air using water or ice. This working model demonstrates how it works, using materials like a cardboard box, a 9V battery, a DC motor, and ice to show the cooling process. Air coolers are eco-friendly and consume less energy compared to air conditioners.


Components of the Model

  1. Cooling Box: A cardboard box serves as the main body of the air cooler.
  2. Cooling Fan: A small DC motor with a fan attached to blow air.
  3. Ice Chamber: A section in the cardboard box to hold ice cubes.
  4. Air Ducts: Openings in the cardboard box to allow air to flow out.
  5. Power Source: A 9V battery to power the DC motor.

How It Works

  1. Place ice cubes inside the ice chamber of the cardboard box.
  2. Attach the DC motor with the fan to the box so that it blows air over the ice chamber.
  3. Connect the 9V battery to the motor to power the fan.
  4. As the fan runs, it pulls warm air from the surroundings and blows it over the ice. The air cools as it passes over the ice and exits through the air ducts.


  • Simple Design: Easy to build using everyday materials.
  • Eco-Friendly: No harmful refrigerants are used.
  • Cost-Effective: A low-cost cooling solution.

This model is perfect for science exhibitions as it demonstrates the principle of cooling in an engaging and practical way. It shows how basic components can be used to create an efficient air cooler that is both functional and environmentally friendly.

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