Here are 50 science project ideas related to space and astronomy:

Model Solar System: Create a scale model of the solar system with accurate distances and sizes of planets.
Telescope Comparison: Compare the performance of different types of telescopes for observing celestial objects.
Lunar Crater Formation: Investigate the formation of impact craters by dropping objects into a tray of flour.
Star Brightness and Distance: Explore the relationship between the brightness of stars and their distances from Earth.
Solar Lunar Eclipse : Design an experiment to show case how the solar and lunar eclipses form in the space
Planet Atmosphere Simulation: Create mini atmospheres for different planets and study their properties.
Rocket Launch Simulation: Build and launch model rockets to study principles of propulsion and trajectory.
Moon phases working: Learn about what are the different phases of Moon using this model
Astronomy App Development: Develop a smartphone app that identifies constellations and planets based on user input.
Solar Activity and Climate: Investigate the correlation between solar activity and Earth’s climate.
Space Radiation Shielding: Design and test materials to shield against space radiation.
Space Debris Tracking: Study the problem of space debris and track its movement using telescopes.
Mars Habitat Design: Design a sustainable habitat for humans on Mars, considering life support and resources.
Microgravity Effects on Plant Growth: Explore how plants grow in microgravity by conducting experiments in a rotating chamber.
Astronaut Fitness: Design a fitness regimen for astronauts to maintain muscle and bone health in space.
Space Colony Model: Build a model of a space colony with living quarters, agriculture, and energy sources.
Solar Flare Effects: Investigate the effects of solar flares on Earth’s magnetic field and communication systems.
Black Hole Simulator: Create a simulation to explain the concept of black holes and their gravitational effects.
Cosmic Microwave Background Analysis: Study the cosmic microwave background radiation to learn about the early universe.
Satellite Communications: Explore satellite communication systems and their role in global communication.
Space Weather Prediction: Develop a model to predict space weather phenomena like solar storms.
Martian Soil Properties: Study the properties of simulated Martian soil and its potential for agriculture.
Alien Life Search: Design an experiment to detect signs of microbial life on other planets or moons.
Space Art Project: Create an artistic representation of a cosmic phenomenon or celestial object.
International Space Station (ISS) Experiment: Propose an experiment to be conducted on the ISS.
Astronomical Photography: Capture images of celestial objects using a telescope and digital camera.
Astrobiology Research: Study extremophiles on Earth to understand the potential for life on other planets.
Constellation Myths and Legends: Research and present the stories behind different constellations.
Galaxy Classification: Classify galaxies based on their shapes and study their characteristics.
Spacecraft Propulsion Research: Investigate various propulsion methods used in spacecraft, such as ion engines.
Astrochemistry Experiment: Analyze the chemical composition of comets or meteorites.
Space Tourism Economics: Explore the economic feasibility of space tourism and its potential impact.
Celestial Navigation: Learn about ancient methods of celestial navigation and apply them to real-world scenarios.
Space Colonization Ethics: Discuss the ethical considerations of colonizing other planets and their potential impact.
Meteor Shower Observation: Observe and record meteor showers to study their frequency and intensity.
Planetarium Show Design: Create a digital planetarium show to educate the public about astronomy.
Solar System Formation Simulation: Use computer simulations to model the formation of the solar system.
Stellar Evolution Simulation: Simulate the life cycle of stars, from birth to death, using visual aids.
Satellite Tracking: Use software to track the movement of satellites in real-time.
Space Race History Analysis: Research and present the history of the space race between different countries.
Astronomy Data Analysis: Analyze data from space telescopes to make discoveries about distant galaxies.
Spacecraft Design Challenge: Design a spacecraft for a specific space exploration mission.
Extraterrestrial Communication: Explore different methods of communicating with potential extraterrestrial civilizations.
Space Weathering Effects: Study how cosmic radiation and micro-meteorite impacts affect the surfaces of celestial bodies.
Asteroid Impact Simulation: Simulate the impact of an asteroid on Earth to understand potential consequences.
Planetary Ring Formation Model: Create a model to explain the formation and characteristics of planetary rings.
Celestial Object Observation: Choose a specific celestial object (star, planet, nebula) to observe and document changes over time.
Space Medicine Research: Investigate the effects of microgravity on the human body and propose countermeasures.
Astrophotography Exhibition: Create a photography exhibition showcasing images of celestial objects.
Space Law and Governance: Research the legal and ethical aspects of space exploration and colonization.